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Action Id: 1754 Crisis: Participants: Quenia, Luis and Lucita
Status: Resolved Submitted: Feb. 5, 2018, 9:24 p.m. Public: True GM: Puffin

Economic Resources: 460
Military Resources: 200
Social Resources: 250
Action Points: 100

Action by Quenia

Quenia will take the time to travel to all of her vassal's holdings, so she can speak to her people face to face. While she's at each of the holdings, she'll take the time to purchase local goods and products, and hold a small community event. At these community events she'll talk about the bonds of family and community and how there is strength in both. She'll talk about how if that family or community is threatened, they need to come together in a show of support to stop that threat; to preserve not only their family and their community, but also their homes, their culture, and their way of life. She talks of the threat they are facing now, with the ships out sea, and how they are threatening family, community, and homes. Their freedom, their livelihood, their ability to take care of the people they love. She does her best to stress the importance of joining the fight, and how if they overwhelm the fleet, they'll have a better opportunity to win the war and protect that which they love. She pledges House Igniseri to that fight, to fight for their homes, their loved ones, their livelihoods, their continued freedom. She also pledges that House Igniseri will help rebuild, once the war is over. At the end of the gatherings, she formally issues a call to the banners, asking her people to rally and fight.

Action by Lucita

Lucita assists Quenia in her efforts using her skills. She writes an inspirational and morale lifting song 'To Arms, Came the Rallying Call'. It is crafted to avoid causing guilt or fear but to turn thoughts toward heroism, working together, protecting home, family, friends and how people from any walk of life can help. To assist bringing the message to commoners she hires with economic and social resources a bard to speak encouragingly to people on their level and sing the song for them, to create an amicable and receptive atmosphere with providing a round of drinks. She uses her charm and performance abilities to display to her representatives how she wants Quenia's efforts supported and enhanced. A copy of 'To Arms, Came the Rallying Call' is located in the bookcase in Saik Tower - Music Chamber.

Action by Luis

While Quenia is going from place to place speaking to the general populace and the nobles, Luis will attend the soldiers and guardsmen as well as anyone whom shows interest in joining the army,. He will encourage them with his Charm and his skills, while also encouraging those younger lads ato listen to the older veterans when it comes to being ready. He will stage some mock spars with the sergeants and the like, letting himself be beat at times on purpose so as to build the respect for the trainers in the troops, and trounce the hotshots to help them realize they still need to listen to those above them. In the end, he will appoint new soldiers, raise up others that need to be, and encourage unit cohesiveness throughout the lands.


Marquessa Quenia Igniseri takes the time to travel to all of her vassal's holdings, holding events in the communities, purchasing local goods and products. She takes the time to talk about bonds of family and community, the strength of Igniseri and the bonds of loyalty, fealty, and friends. She speaks of freedom and the life they love and encourages them to fight for it, pledging Igniseri to stand with them and help them fight, and to rebuild if necessary afterwards.

Lord Luis speaks with soldiers and guardsmen, training and inspiring them. Reminding them of the need for experienced soldiers and eager soldiers alike. And Lady Lucita helps by writing an inspirational song that makes its way through the various corners of Igniseri lands. People sing it around the fire at night, and while they're mending their armor and readying for battle, and as they call the banners, people come.

'To arms, to arms!' Came the rallying call.
'Guard your freedom, your family, your all.'
Faith sustains us through troubling days
To find heroic bravery not fearful ways.
Unity binds us giving strength and hope
Like fragile fibers wound into strong rope.