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Action Id: 432 Crisis: Participants: Sparte
Status: Resolved Public: True GM: None

Action by Sparte

Sparte has taken some songs put to music in pubs and taken creative liberties with the lyrics, penning a series of war songs for Arx. He hasn't signed or attempted to take any credit for this songs, though he is encouraging people to sing and show life in the face of the Bringers. Not because this war isn't dire - it is - but because that life and energy is what makes us better than them.

The intent is to raise morale and infuriate the enemies, who will have to hear the sound of Arxians singing and laughing over the walls despite the siege going on.


The Iron Guardsman just known as Sparte has been attempting to popularize various drinking songs in the different taverns and inns of Arx and turn them into war songs, to show that life goes on. While the guardsmen himself doesn't have much talent in performance, his efforts do catch the notice of some Whispers who run with the idea, though the guardsman still gets credit. While the original intent might have been to mock the Silent Army and show them life goes on, it's unknown how the enemy views it. It does, however, help with morale in the city.