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Action Id: 2895 Crisis: Participants: Sebastian, Alrec(RIP), Ari(RIP) and Pasquale
Status: Resolved Submitted: Dec. 19, 2018, 1:56 a.m. Public: True GM: Apostate

Economic Resources: 60
Social Resources: 340

Action by Sebastian

While in Setarco, Sebastian (and the others traveling with him) will be undertaking a bit of a tour. They will be making deals with shipwrights and small towns and villages to create network of easily obtainable military resources. Additionally, particularly while traveling through the larger villages and Setarco itself they will be talking up the military and the amazing, important work they did during the Gyre War to encourage more people to join. Sebastian, as Voice of Pravus, will be using his Charm and Propaganda skills to generate the sort of buzz that will resonate with the people long after they've gone.

Action by Pasquale

Pasquale enjoys a good morale tour. He's not the most energetic fellow in most circumstances but he's a fair hype man when it comes to military matters, and he aids Sebastian in the recruiting effort. Spreading the word about the benefits of serving House Pravus, how a soldier can advance themselves, and sharing his own personal story of the destruction wrought by the Gyre and the need to fight such forces. He compels the populace to aid his liege lords and ladies in these troubled times.

Action by Ari(RIP)

To assist the Setarco diplomacy effort, with his next trade run Ari will make a specific effort to get goods marked as from Setarco to sell in Arx. Further, he will emphasize to the crew he has on that trip the stories of the recent battles around Setarco, and how this ship played a role in it. Emphasizing to them, so they'll spread the word, that a strong Setarco, strategically positioned, is for the good of all.

Action by Alrec(RIP)

Admiral Alrec Magaldi is personally taking charge of the tour to showcase the fleet to Lord Sebastian and his guests. Drawing from debts and favors owed to him in the city of Setarco as the minister of productivity, the admiral invites its citizens to attend as well, making a block party of the whole thing. The Setarco sailors wear their best uniforms between standing ceremonially, they show their abilities as sailors, in honor to not just the voice of Pravus but also the city of Setarco. After an award ceremony, sailors mingle with the general population to enjoy the festivity. Booths are raised for recruiting efforts, taking advantage of the tour and good spirits.


It's remarkably successful, the propaganda campaign. Word spreads about Pasquale, Sebstian, Ari and Alrec, and they all become significantly more well known. ((Fame bump, work roll added))