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Action Id: 127 Crisis: Participants: Alis
Status: Resolved Public: True GM: None

Action by Alis

Princess Alis, with Lord Fiachra Greenmarch, will be leading a team of light cavalry to scout the Gray Forest for the following:
*Signs of the mutated Abandoned that were created by the Beast of Sanctum
*Signs of further Bringer incursion into the area
*Evidence of supply lines, camps, traps - all of which are to be disrupted or destroyed upon sighting.
*Signs that there is any sizable force moving towards Arx
*Locations to report back to Duke Bisland and Lady General Calypso that would be tactically sound for drawing the Bringer forces towards the main army.

Current PC Members of this group: Alis (Lead), Fiachra (2IC), Ywaine (Scout). Any others who would like to be part of team scout!

Should the Bringer forces be drawn to better battling ground during this +crisis sortie, Alis will have the light cavalry begin flanking the Bringer forces once the heavy Cavalry has disrupted their lines. And on Fiachra's command, the Mounted Archers will break and get into position to attack with any specialty arrows they have (Diamondplate, etc), firing at the Bringers, specifically, before the full assault begins.


The scouting goes extremely well. Alis is one of the first soldiers to realize that there's elements of shav activity close to Pridehall. The foraging parties are easy enough to dismiss as random skirmishers for the shavs, moving towards the Night Grove, but she rapidly realizes that's not the case, and catches sight of the gigantic 18,000 man main force moving steadily towards Pridehall, and is able to help warn Gabriel in time to pick an excellent field of battle.

At the Battle of Pridehall itself (see main update), Alis follows in Edain's charge. Her lighter cavalry constantly and consistently harasses the Bringers during the combat. She does notice that the dissolving or explosive effect on bringers is not consistent. She shot one that almost immediately screamed and begin to melt, thrashing about, but another that was tearing apart men with its bare hands barely even seemed to notice, and was hacked apart with diamondplate weapons without ever showing any effect. It was disconcerting.