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Action Id: 2805 Crisis: Participants: Michael
Status: Resolved Submitted: Sept. 30, 2018, 11:33 p.m. Public: True GM: Puffin

Military Resources: 200

Action by Michael

Lord Michael Bisland the Steadfast, Voice of Bisland, Sword of Pridehall has sent missives through Bisland proper, Pridehall and various other small villages to inquire as to their redeemable prisoners. Another battle is coming, and Michael offers them amnesty for a six month tour within Bisland's army INCLUDING action at the Lodge of Petrichor. If they survive, they are free to pursue their lives once more. Even extending their duty if they so desire.


As leaders mobilize their forces, they find more volunteers to run shifts of defense on the Lodge. Some accept it as regular duties. Others volunteer their spare time. Lord Michael Bisland works especially to encourage his people to serve, with good success - it seems that the son of Duke Gabriel takes his responsibilities seriously particularly with regard to the Gray Forest. None Greater Than Grayson, as it were, and House Bisland takes the lead in encouraging their soldiers to take regular shifts at this new place to protect.