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Action Id: 4071 Crisis: Participants: Cyril(RIP) and Margot(RIP)
Status: Resolved Submitted: May 4, 2020, 3:45 p.m. Public: True GM: Tenebry

Action by Cyril(RIP)

Ghost business is a slow business and to pass the time, Cyril has been concentrating his efforts in organizing a naval department out of Melaeris whose responsibilities will be towards the Tyde navy and that of its vassals' navy. The job of this department would be to issue logbooks and then collect them and secure them in a floating library composed of military ships. The idea behind the logbooks is to create a timeline that will allow the admirals the ability to keep track of their ships wherever they may be and have an intimate overview of what is going on with their navy, allowing them to adjust the force of their fleet.

Action by Margot(RIP)

Margot of course endorses this and encourages the addition of maps and rosters, so that after any naval event what happened can be reviewed for future improvements. She endorses the project and offers up some of the Peacekeeper fleet to help with the effort.


What a delightful development for House Melaeris. Word is that Lord Cyril Melaeris has set up a kind of floating archive, a portion of the fleet that collects copies of log books for context and analysis. Let the admirals know a given ship's latest route and collated experiences. The Duchess Margot Tyde has lent her support and the use of some of her ships as part of this archive.

Best of all is that this floating archive is rumored to have been a traditional role for House Melaeris and they are, in a sense, returning to their roots. The Mourning Isles will always raise a glass to that.