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Action Id: 1403 Crisis: Participants: Alarie
Status: Resolved Submitted: Nov. 14, 2017, 9:02 a.m. Public: True GM: None

Military Resources: 1000

Action by Alarie

Alarie is taking to the Grimhall shipwright, with the intent to buy a cog. A singular cog at the moment, so that she can put it into action, to start what she has jokingly referred to her career as the Merchant Queen of the Mourning Isles.


There's a new cog in town, and it's bought and paid for by Alarie Harall. She's apparently branching out from her business as a seamstress, and buying a cog is the next step in her apparent plan. She has filled out all the paperwork, greased all the palms, and hired a solid Thrax crew to ship her goods where she wills. For now, she is keeping her operations small, and no one is entirely sure how this is going to work out. Whether she succeeds or fails at this is going to depend entirely on what she does next. Still, it is of note that she chose a ship with sails, not crewed by thrall oarsmen, so it seems the newest Merchant Fleet's first ship is at least in keeping with the current shift in Thrax.