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Action Id: 537 Crisis: Participants: Silas
Status: Resolved Submitted: Jan. 4, 2017, 11:50 p.m. Public: True GM: Apostate

Action by Silas

Silas is going to attempt to rally some of his buddies and attempt to enforce some kind of peace, whether it be simply shouting people down or suplexing them into silence (not literally though that would be fun - just by force if necessary). I assume he may have SOME trustworthy colleagues.


Silas efforts did have a large role in order being quickly restored, though the true accounting of the state of the Iron Guard was so confused it was difficult to get numbers and actual rollcalls until after the Assembly of Peers and his appointment. It looks like roughly a third of the Iron Guard's strength is missing. Perhaps a hundred and fifty died in the fighting, but a good fifteen hundred guardsman just haven't reported in out of the five thousand Iron Guard that patrol Arx and its surrounding demense.