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Action Id: 672 Crisis: Participants: Silas
Status: Resolved Submitted: Feb. 16, 2017, 10:40 p.m. Public: True GM: Apostate

Action by Silas

Silas will be dispatching a small group of Iron Guardsmen (a dozen) to scour further down the river for the owner of the fingers they found in Torian's shop, dead or alive. They will take some hounds, including Dash, with them in hope of finding something... be it additional clues or a corpse. They will be properly armed in case they run into trouble, and are ordered to retreat back to the city if they're put in danger.


Dash the Wonder Corgi tracks the smell of the fingers to Old Man Blakeney's hovel. According to the guards, individuals had mentioned Old Man Blakeney had a wild look in his eyes and was asking for a meat clever, and a couple beggars had seen him running through the streets screaming with blood dripping down fingerless hands, and then threw himself in the Gray River.