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Action Id: 2045 Crisis: Participants: Rook
Status: Resolved Submitted: April 18, 2018, 10:16 p.m. Public: True GM: Puffin

Silver: 8
Action Points: 200

Action by Rook

After his anullment to Katarina as a prince of House Valardin, and his polite refusal to rejoin House Grayward for more than a couple of days, Rook takes his oaths to turn Crownsworn. Packing up a set of gilded armour with far too much gold to rightly make it practical, he places it in the chest that he sets before Gild's altar. A quiet prayer is given as he reflects on his journey, upon all of the fortunes he's held in his hands, and how he's chosen to return to the commons despite it all.

"Holy Gild, I was bitter once, bitter that I was born common. I felt I was better, that I deserved better by birth, that I would've been right to be amongst the Peers with power and wealth. I chose the path of the Courtier so I could walk among them, act like I was one of them, -become- one of them. It sure worked. Then I found my way to the City of Arx, and I worked hard and dutiful to have my family enobled with a minor Barony, another stepping stone to greater fortunes. There was greed along the way, certainly, but my greed made good things happen too. I used this to find princedom, in time, far better in the eyes of many than a lordship. Then I saw that I didn't need any of this at all, that all my riches given and earned at my hands were in turn paired with your grace. I'm giving it away now, and I'll begin again, to prove it once over with a new journey. I've lived life in the highs and the lows and I can walk where I want and how I want. I know that. Thank you."

Taking the breastplate out, centered with dawnstone, he sets it at an angle on top of the chest and then leaves the key to it. He cuts his pouch, a mere eight silver in it, because of course the Crown Minister of Coin doesn't walk around with that on him. It's symbolic if anything.


The altar doesn't change. Not with Rook's prayer, nor his offering. It stays still and unresponsive - but of course it's an inanimate object, so it would. But late that night, when he is falling asleep, he dreams. And in his dreams is all the treasure he ever wanted, and he sees himself walking away.

And then on his path again, more treasure - but he turns from that too.

Again and again he turns, walks a little further. Reaches treasures beyond imagining. Sometimes he walks away. Sometimes he takes a little and walks on. Sometimes he gives it to the needy. The more he does it, the more he realizes that wealth is but a tool, and the real goal lies ahead: a shining city of hope and happiness, civilization in all its glory. And he knows if he can just reach it, he will be welcome.