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The edge of the knife is not seen, but it can still be felt.

Social Rank: 8
Concept: Prodigal Northerner
Fealty: Redrain
Family: Sanna
Gender: male
Marital Status: single
Age: 29
Birthday: 5/29
Religion: Faith of the Pantheon
Vocation: Weaponsmith
Height: tall
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: dark brown
Skintone: None

Description: Behtuk is a tall, heavy man, with just enough grace to carry that mass of flesh without intruding upon others. His hair is thin, black, long, and straight. Unlike many from the North, his facial hair is sparse consisting of a drooping mustache and a braided patch on his chin. Though the muscles beneath his skin are not prominent, the strength beneath that full-figured frame is unmistakeable.

Personality: Behtuk's silence is often mistaken for ignorance, even stupidity, an impression he does not actively seek to dispel. He knows that his appearance leads to many assumptions about him. Rather than fight these miscconceptionsm, he allows them to guide him to those who will look past their prejudices and see the man underneath. Nevertheless, he rarely speaks in elaborate sentences, prefering to limit his words and let his deeds and his craft speak for him.

As a child of a Child of the Sun and Moon, Behtuk and his father were nomadic travelers. About wenty years ago, when Behtuk was only a child, their tribe came across an abandoned vessel on the ice. In the course of looting this vessel, they came across a dying man. Behtuk and his father stayed behind to nurse the man back to health as thanks for bringing them the bounty of the vessel.
The stranger learned their tongue, and taught them his. He taught Behtuk the trick to forging steel, for in his homeland he was a smith of renown. When the stranger recovered from his wounds, he took his leave of Behtuk and his father, claiming that it was too dangerous for him to stay as he was a hunted man. He was only too right.
Within a single moon of the strangers' departure the hunter came. Behtuk's father said: 'This is a demon, run! Don't look back.' And Behtuk obeyed. He returned a day later to find his father dead, and all their supplies stolen. Behtuk was unprepared to care for himself in the unforgiving North and he did not know how to rejoin his nomadic tribe.
So Behtuk left the North, travelling to the land the Stranger was from, someplace where he would be able to hide his crimes. When he entered Redrain he found it welcoming. He already spoke the language, and he was able to apprentice as a smith with the knowledge the Stranger had given him. For the past twenty years he has served as an apprentice or journeyman. It was slow going, but he has just completed his masterwork and come to Arx to support his House and ply his trade. If he still holds onto the knife the Stranger gave him and secretly hopes to meet him again in Arx. He is uncertain though whether he owes the Stranger a debt, or if the Stranger owes him one for his father's death.

Relationship Summary

  • Ann - Noble Sponsor
  • Alessia - Inquisitive noble
  • Icelyn - Inquisitive noble
  • Gwenna - Noble Benefactor
  • Ras - Another common man, still a man though.
  • Name Summary
    Adalyn A smith of few words, but surprisingly kind and generous.
    Aeryn A man of few, few words. And a master craftsman. He's dedicated and quiet. They say still waters run deep!
    Agatha I think he put all his words in his stomach. His very impressive stomach. HAH! Someday he will make me a marvellous spear to carry into battle!
    Alarissa A new weaponsmith in town. When he is a little better at his craft I will have to come back.
    Amari Much quieter than I would have expected from his looks, and generous with his meat pies.
    Caspian He really doesn't talk much. At all. And he says small weapons are for small men, but he hasn't seen me with a blade yet. Otherwise he seems like an alright guy.
    Caspian Not much of a talker. Great crafter though. Can't wait to see what he'll make for me.
    Cirroch A man who is large, quiet, and respectful. I am curious to see him as a man after seeing him as a boy.
    Darren Not a many of many words, but he seems to be friendly enough and an excellent smith. Also can eat stew like nobody's business.
    Delilah A mark of wisdom is fearlessly asking questions to learn. Though not freely given with his opinions, his inquiries are insightful and needful.
    Echo A smithy who prefers motion to speech. He's quiet, unassuming, and I think I only heard him say five words the entire night. Sometimes, less is more.
    Eilonwy I don't think I've ever seen him not at a table laden with food. I can't imagine ever being that hungry.
    Ember Just a smith. What? Don't act upset, it's his words, not mine.
    Emily He's quiet and rather an enigma. A creator of swords that does not fight. I wonder if there is a chance Emily could get him to converse more than he has.
    Gwenna Master Behtuk is a Northern smith who seems rather direct as well as skilled. Expected, I think, for someone from our homelands really, though he is quieter than most. He asked good questions when I ordered a spear for myself, indication of his abilities, and I can hardly wait to see what he comes up with.
    Ian Eats a lot.
    Icelyn He carries the scars of the brutal north on him and I don't envy him that.
    Jacque A northern vassal and master smith. He seems like the type of person who works hard to attain mastery of craft and knowledge, and for that I respect him very much.
    Jeffeth A northener of few words that gives out sausage. I like him.
    Joscelin A man of few words and yet great meaning.
    Maja Goodness gracious, this man certainly can eat! I saw him eat six bowls of broth at once -- six bowls! -- and an entire pitcher of beer. I certainly can appreciate someone who gobbles down food like that.
    Mikani From the North North ... I would love to know more, yet I have a feeling he's just tolerating my questions.
    Petal He warns of a curse in his name and is dangerous in a fight because he gets to angry and doesn't have a tribe. Something is up with him. He also needs new clothing and he probably needs some roots as well, but he is no plant so they might be hard to come by for him.
    Romulius A good northern man. Speaks bluntly but every word has meaning. Wants to make sure every weapon he crafts is suitable for the owner. Smart. Would like to go hunting whales with him sometime. Or sea serpents. Depends if we are north or south.
    Rukhnis An odd man who cared more for food than words, and yet seemingly had not much relish for either.
    Sabella A man of few words, but a great lover of pie! And pastries. Actually, I'm not sure I've ever seen him not eating.
    Shard A very large man that doesn't talk much. At all. At. /All/. He wanted to know about the cutlass, but I had to disappoint him.
    Thea Wants to learn. Which makes him smarter than he appears. I am certainly curious.