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Action Id: 177 Crisis: Participants: Calypso
Status: Resolved Public: True GM: None

Action by Calypso

Calypso is taking 25% of Malvici's forces, and at Niccolo's Request, 25% of Velenosa's forces, in to the Gray Forest to fight the Bringers. Nothing fancy, just good military tactics and cold hard steel to bash their bringer brains in.

With the rumors of an attack on Arx itself to happen near the same time, Calypso has instructed her Guard Captain to help defend the city with the 25 men allotted to them inside the city of Arx.

In addition to managing her own forces and Velenosa's in the field, she and Prince Ainsley are acting field commanders under Duke Gabriel. The three of them will coordinate any on-field changes that need to be made.


(For the Battle of Pridehall, see the crisis update). Initial scouting actions go quite well, as House Malvici forces are able to harass the foraging parties of shavs that are providing for a main body of the shav forces led by bringers, even if Calypso never finds a bringer isolated herself.

It becomes increasingly apparent that a giant column is headed westward towards Pridehall, and Gabriel, after being informed by Lycene forces, decides to pick a fight at the defensible Pridehall Ford, and try to entrap and destroy the shav forces that he outnumbers near two to one.

During the battle, the Malvici forces come under heavy attack. Calypso helps to rally the Malvici forces, fighting alongside Fiora as their position is nearly overwhelmed, but managing to turn the tide.