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Action Id: 3918 Crisis: Participants: Porter, Zoey, Ian, Aethan, Yelana, Thea, Evander and Ras
Status: Resolved Submitted: April 1, 2020, 10:43 a.m. Public: True GM: Tenebry

Economic Resources: 3000
Social Resources: 1000

Action by Porter

It seems that what amounts to a few hundred refugees from the Saffron Chain may land on the shores of Stormward and need to be acclimated to life in the duchy. Porter Kennex is leading the efforts to get them settled in, in as sane a way as one can manage. He'll be focusing on a few things to get this done.

1) Ensuring that there are places for these people to live and sleep. Either in some sort of communal setting or finding people that are willing to house them. Or a mix of the two!
2) Feeding all of these extra people. It's going to take a toll on the Kennex resources, so he's going to secure enough rations to help cushion that.
3) Finding them sustainable work.
4) General security. These are a whole bunch of unknowns, which means they should be eyeballed to some degree to try and ascertain whether or not anyone has ulterior motives when it comes to settling in Stormward.

Action by Thea

Once the refugees have been eyeballed and security checked, Thea will do her part. That part? Their general health. She will be making sure they wont be spreading diseases in their new home. No one wants the plague or all sorts of other crazy disease and or bugs running rampant! *insert itchy scalp here, falling off patches of skin there* How? By setting up medical tents, clinics if you will.

These make shift clinics will be run by Thea as well as other mercies running around. Theyll be checked head to toe, inside and out-well, as much inside as you can while not dead. Since Thea is pretty no nonsense--at least when she is working, things should run pretty smoothly.

Action by Ian

Ian approaches the Orazians and, assuming they're willing to accept his leadership, he organizes them and brings them in as a force for good, people who have been where the refugees currently are, people who'll go out of their way to help however they can.

However, he's not just approaching the Orazians because he thinks they'll be willing to help. Ian knows that it's likely that 1) cultists will try to slip in with the refugees, and 2) who better than a fanatic to sniff out a cultist? So (and he's pretty much hoping to get lucky on this), he keeps tabs on what the Orazians are saying about the refugees, keeping an ear out for any indication that something's not right with someone. If he gets to a point where he trusts any of the Orazians not to go blabbing it everywhere, he might even go as far as to specifically ask one or two of them to be on the lookout.

Action by Yelana

Yelana's a good talker and can be very convincing when she puts her mind to it. She talks to nobles, and merchants, and sailors, and soldiers, and anyone she can make bend an ear to tell them about the advantages to helping settle the influx of refugees. Think of the new trade contacts! New recruits! How magnanimous you'll look to your rich friends!

Action by Zoey

Zoey does what she is known for: managing the resources. Helping people takes money, and she is making sure to get everything out of it that she can by knowing where and how to spend it for maximum efficiency. No refugee will go without food, shelter, or medicine due to lack of coin on her watch.

Action by Ras

Hired as a private investigator by Porter in order to scope out unsavory characters among the refugees, Ras first established a promise from the Kennex lord that the bulk of the refugees would not be treated with prejudice in Stormward. He already has some knowledge of what sort of enemies might be hidden among incoming groups, as well as some experience with cults, and so plans to use all his detective wiles in order to notice any dangers. If he singles out and confirms a hidden enemy, he will warn Porter, but is very careful not to report any innocents.

Action by Evander

Evander will focus on getting to know the refugees, understanding their culture and etiquette, the things that are important to them and that they consider part of their identity. He will work to ensure those things are respected, whether by additions or tweaks to the Stormward social calendar, to make them feel more at home. At the same time he will work to introduce them to the ways of Stormward - not the ships of course, he'll leave that to someone else - but the various little intricacies that someone picks up over the years living in a place, to help them adjust quicker to their new home.

Action by Aethan

Aethan will be welcoming refugees to Stormward on behalf of Darion as his Regent. He will also be coordinating with Kennex leadership to find employment for the refugees, whether in the Navy, the Corsairs, with fishermen, farmers, or whatever they have an aptitude for.

He will also be working to assist with any security concerns as they arise.


Lord Porter Kennex arranges efforts to get settle Saffron Chain refugees settled in and around Stormward. He moves to ensure they have housing, food, and work. Lady Thea works with local Mercies to ensure the health of each refugee, and to quarantine any who may be ill and infectious. Lady Yelana works with already settled Kennex folk to help these new folk settle. Lady Zoey manages the funding of the venture and ensures that everything is dispersed efficiently. Duke-Regent Aethan lends his words, his presence, his authority to every aspect of the resettlement, and what a charismatic figure he cuts. Lord Evander helps acclimate the refugees to Stormward culture, while learning theirs as well.

But not every refugee enters into Stormward life. The tensions with Skal'daja lead Kennex leadership to the be cautious, and this caution does prove warranted. Lord Ian works with the eccentric Orazians and Ras to suss out who among the refugees might be of dire heart. They uncover a few who, while unarmed save with words, are actively working to sow dissent against a freer society. A chain is not a burden, but a path. It is good and righteous to be bound. So forth. These are handled without trouble. The vast majority of the refugees are successfully settled.