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Action Id: 2180 Crisis: Participants: Pasquale, Carissa and Chiara
Status: Resolved Submitted: May 22, 2018, 1:46 a.m. Public: True GM: Puffin

Action Points: 100

Action by Pasquale

Pasquale finds himself as the general of troops and knights he's yet to really get to know, tasked to defend a land with which he's unfamiliar, in circumstances he's still feeling out. So, he's getting on that. His primary goal, in these early days of his tenure as Minister of Warfare for Malespero, shall be getting to know his people and their capabilities.

He plans a tour of Nilanza, where he intends to go over the state of supplies with his quartermasters, draw up training exercises with the more established knights and sergeants in his ranks, so some recruiting among the populace, that sort of thing. Most importantly, he wants to make himself a known quantity among those he might call to action. He's not a terribly typical general and wants to start displaying competence sooner rather than later.

His goals in the beginning are fairly modest but he hopes to start shoring up Malespero's military capabilities and create a foundation he can build upon. He'll also probe for any weaknesses or threats on the horizon, though it's not his primary concern on this jaunt.

Action by Carissa

Carissa is going to be Pasquale's tour guide on this mission. She will take him around the major landmarks of Nilanza and introduce him to various people, military and civilian alike. All on foot, naturally, as is the Arvum way, stopping to chat as they go. She will make personal introductions as often as possible, being a Nilanzan native.

Action by Chiara

Chiara will be contacting her family in Nilanza with the goal of introducing Pasquale to them - initially by letter, then ideally in person - in the interest of offering him contacts to the merchant sailors of the region, both her family's and her own. Her ultimate goal is to provide him access to the knowledge and resources she and they possess to aid in transport of people, goods, and whatever else may be needed.


Lord Pasquale is taking a tour of Nilanza and, as he focuses on all things martial, his tour has a martial bent to it. He inspects the troops. He oversees training exercises. He works with the quartermasters and mentors the more established Knights and Sergeants in his ranks. With the help of Lady Carissa, he is offered the smoothest introductions and the very best contacts. Chiara Tavetti also works with them to introduce him to merchant sailors and other more common soldiers. All in all it's a success, and the military might of Malespero slowly grows.