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Action Id: 2182 Crisis: Participants: Lys and Audric(RIP)
Status: Resolved Submitted: May 19, 2018, 4:41 a.m. Public: True GM: Puffin

Economic Resources: 50
Social Resources: 25

Action by Lys

Lys will be reaching out to Fen de Lire, to find out what goods and services they can produce. She will be then pushing those goods here within Arx, attempting to boost the Barony's income. By making Fe de Lire goods and services as common name within Arx itself. Even if that is just fancy hats. Everyone loves fancy hats, right?

Action by Audric(RIP)

Audric is also going with Lys to Afflua! For his part, he'll be kissing hands, shaking babies, handing out sacks of coins, that sort of thing. Generally playing up the part of the benevolent baron who absolutely doesn't have a violent murder streak.


Lys works really hard at helping the economic situation of the Barony. Not that it's suffering, mind. But with her help she does realize that the one thing Afflua is really good at? Is haberdashery.

That's right.

With Audric as the model, the haberdashery business in Afflua is expanding. For now it's just a trend, but everyone is trying to be as stylish as the Baron. Under her careful guidance now, the business grows. A word in the right place. A smile and a bright notice for the newest chapeau in the grand style, and suddenly Afflua is starting to become known for its headgear.

Business is booming, and seems to be worn with a jaunty feather.