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If there's something you need, I'll find it.

Social Rank: 8
Concept: Merchant Socialite
Fealty: Crownsworn
Family: Siril
Gender: male
Marital Status: married
Age: 26
Birthday: 5/15
Religion: Pantheon
Vocation: Merchant
Height: None
Hair Color: None
Eye Color: None
Skintone: None

Description: Fair skinned with a light complexion, Essmor sits at roughly average height for a man of his age. Black hair sits atop his head, coming just past his ears and along the side of his face, and is generally well taken care of--clean, washed, and made presentable. His body leans more towards lithe than bulky, looking more predisposed towards nimbleness than anything regarding physical strength. A resting grin sits on his thin lips, one side rising higher than the other naturally.

Personality: Essmor is extremely personable, and takes pride in it. He loves interacting with every manner of person, from the lowest of commoners to the highest of nobles. Quick to smile, fast to make friends, and fiercely independent, he works hard to keep up relationships with all sorts.

Background: Essmor was born and raised in the Lower Boroughs, and lived an early life full of strife and hardship. His parents were mostly irrelevant to his situation, giving birth to him was the one and only gift he received. But despite this difficulty, he learned early that those that worked hard for themselves could readily find a place in the world. Quick to make friends, he used his skills in observation to find those in the community that could help him better his situation, and never stopped. From there, especially as he grew older, he gathered a reputation for knowing people. If something needed to be found, he might know someone who could find it. A product needs to be purchased? Essmor was the man to ask. He happily positioned himself as a bridge between the lower classes and the higher, searching for any opportunity to gather the attention of those that might provide him a chance to better his lot in life. Though still working on it every day, he works hard to become someone of note.

Name Summary