Mirella Fiorelli
They say silence is golden, but sometimes it's alaricite.

Social Rank: 8
Concept: Watchful Shadow
Gender: female
Marital Status: single
Age: 24
Birthday: 11/17
Religion: Mirrormask
Vocation: Cipher
Height: short
Hair Color: ink black
Eye Color: duskstone
Skintone: aeterna white
Description: Mirella is short and slight of build, with a modest outline of feminine curves accentuated by a trim waist. There's an impression of intrinsic sleekness and precision about her appearance, from the subtle grace of her gait to the rich smoothness of her ink-black hair. Lacking the sun-gilded warmth that's often bestowed by balmy southern climes, her skin is instead as pale as a sheet of aeterna, drawing attention by way of contrast to doe-like eyes of dark blue-purple duskstone hue. Natural lilac shadows faintly tint her lower eyelids, visible against the pallor of her delicately pretty face.
Personality: Quiet and soft-spoken, with a servant's ability to blend into the background when it's convenient, Mirella does little to draw attention to herself until such a time when making her presence known serves a specific purpose. She's not particularly expressive and she's certainly not effusive, but she's capable of maintaining a respectful manner and engaging in polite conversation when required. Even then, though, she leans toward brevity of speech, sometimes even to a cutting extent.
Mirella is a woman with a preference for cool efficiency and pragmatic thought. She's not incapable of forging friendships or expressing warmth of emotion, but it's not the norm for her to do so. In essence, life has shaped her into a somewhat stoic and cynical figure, but she's entirely at ease with that.
Background: The only child of parents impoverished by her father's gambling debts, Mirella was born and raised among the roughest and most dangerous streets of Caina, where she survived by dint of quick feet and the ability to squeeze her scrawny frame into dark concealing spaces. To earn coin, she worked as a menial servant in the households of merchants and minor city officials, cleaning their homes and running their errands. It wasn't the most satisfying work, but it put silver in her palm and a bit of food in her belly. Her wages kept the debt collectors and their blades away from the door of the Fiorelli's house, at least.
Mirella unexpectedly blossomed into graceful good looks when she reached adolescence. It was thanks to this turn of fortune that she found employment with a bored socialite named Vanesa Cattaneo, who promptly set her pretty new attendant to the task of spywork. With careful stealth and keen perception, the girl quickly developed an ability to blend into the social circles and lavish parties of Caina's decadent upper classes, always on the hunt for exciting gossip to bring to her mistress. In turn, Vanesa taught Mirella things that would have otherwise been out of reach to a scrappy little urchin: lessons in dance, musicianship, and polite comportment, but also instruction in more academic subjects, such as the basics of alchemy, and how to research topics ranging from the mundane to the occult. Like her mentor, Mirella dedicated herself to the Faith as a mirrormask, keen to model herself after the glamorous social matriarch in every aspect of her life.
Upon Mirella's twenty-fourth birthday, she received a great gift. Thanks to a surprising generosity on the part of a certain V. Cattaneo, it came to be that Giovanna Fiorelli was given enough silver to clear her husband's debts for some years into the future. Moreover, Vanesa furnished her protege with the coin to take a ship to Arx -- but only on the understanding that Mirella would use her time in the city as a whetstone to sharpen the edge of her talents. Since then, Mirella has established herself as a minister of Caina's ruling family (House Inverno) and also as a merchant dealing in cloth, jewels and other luxurious goods. It's not a bad start, all in all.
Relationship Summary
Name | Summary |
Adrienne | I met Mirella Fiorelli on House business at the estate. She is a young woman undeniably lovely and with a grace that could command any stage in the Compact. Her manner is a compelling contrast: reserved, stoic, focused. House Inverno has a treasure in her. |
Agostino | Polite, pleasant conversationalist, but something of a mystery all the same. We seem to share a curious nature, though. |
Aisha | A known commoner of the Inverno. She knows how to behave and this is quite excellent. I am putting my trust into her. |
Ajax | A merchant lass? An interesting sort, I suppose. |
Alarissa | A delightful individual, I look forward to crossing paths again. |
Alessandro | Asks excellent questions -- though I suppose that should not be surprising. |
Alexio | A friend from years ago. She seems to still be the nice girl I met in Southport, though there is undeniably a certain confidence about her. I look forward to working with her for Inverno. |
Alrec | Mirella ella Mi mi mi mirella. *sighs* |
Apollo | I knew under that dour exterior was a wicked sense of humor. Never been happier to have been right. |
Asriel | Sometimes something dreadful like a winter snow storm can drive one into the arms of a fine situation. A chance encounter with Mirella Fiorelli (that name!) proved the woman to be blessed with a heartening amount of social grace and an ear for interesting conversation. I cannot be sure if I will ever see her again, unique circumstances of our meeting and all, but I can say I would look forward to the chance again. |
Athaur | It is good to see her back in the city. She seems as observant as ever. |
Beatrice | Polite, clever. It would be enjoyable to scratch the surface a little, see how deep those still waters run. |
Belladonna | What can I say? This one is pretty eccentric! |
Brianna | Cool like the ice that is probably coating half the city right now. I admire that kind of countenance, and sometimes wish I didn't have to be extremely pissed off to manage it. |
Brigida | Arguably asked the most important question of all in a heated session with Zulana. |
Calypso | A long time friend. It's been nice to reconnect. |
Celeste | A very capable and stealthy beauty that exemplifies many of the things we want in Pravus. |
Cristoph | I think this woman is talking about me. Hello. |
Damiana | It's a credit to her family that she can hold herself out with the decorum of the peerage. She impressed Damiana who will be interested in another meeting. |
Dio | Among the most gifted marketeers of the Lyceum and possessed of beauty and skill beyond price. |
Domonico | As a commoner surrounded by nobility and royalty she does a remarkable task of keeping composure and answering questions without looking like a frightened mouse. Commendable. |
Eddard | A quiet girl, stalwart and with a composed face. But she has a keen mind and certainly seems willing to canter about the City at my whims. |
Eshken | Quite the humble one indeed. A fine woman, friendly and quite perceptive. Perhaps a useful ally, should one need digging done. |
Evaristo | Buying me the wine, trades in gems and well probably other things too, got that quiet reserved humor going that is very appealing. I like her! |
Evelynn | Thoughtful, well spoken and an interesting coversationalist. I am glad we'll have opportunities to work together serving the Thirteenth. |
Flavien | Finally. Someone you truly *gets* poetry. |
Gaspar | What can you say about the mystery you both want to understand for the sake of sanity and stay unknown for the sake of invigoration? Lovely, polite and direct. She's the perfect enigma. |
Gerald | A lovely girl with an intriguing sense of resolve. I suppose I'll simply have to see where future conversations go. An interesting mind for business, though. |
Gianna | One to watch for. Attentive to detail. |
Giorgio | Another merchant of the fealty. She is quite the engaging conversationalist and I look forward to learning more of her in the near future. |
Giulio | Ah, the pleasantries of one with shared interests. I believe this will be a fruitful relationship. |
Grazia | A young woman with a good head for numbers. Very good at dice games. A broker, skilled at the marketplace. |
Harlex | Well now, that one is curious. I wonder if she will find trouble or be trouble to someone else. |
Imi | Our meeting was brief, but Mistress Mirella was every bit as lovely as her patron. Polite, great shoes, wonderful smile. I'm sure whatever she does will be done with style and pinache! |
Jeffeth | She seems like a lovely lady. And she has such a fun name!!! |
Josephine | Such a lovely woman, and a breath of fresh air from the lycene isles. Our accents are as deep as each others. I shall have to woo her to my shop for conversation. |
Jules | She's a quieter type who keeps her eyes open and knows how to make a quiet entrance and exit. She's probably one worth knowing just for her stubtly. |
Jyri | Tough and smart. Would make an excellent Guard if you ask me, and you can totally ask me. I knw this stuff. |
Mabelle | I have no idea what I walked into but she looks like trouble and fun, my favorite combination. |
Martino | Wonderfully kind to offer help and assistance for my fabric needs. Sashionable and great conversationalist with that refined Lycene accent of hers. A face that gives nothing away. Could she be any more Lycene? |
Miranda | A lady of many fine talents. I have to admit, I'm not entirely sure what she does, but she sounds suitable for it. Minister of Upkeep? Research? Broad range of talents. She's certainly someone who may be quite interesting to know. |
Niklas | I'll never understand people who take no pleasure in eating. But at least she's not imperious about it. |
Norwood | Do I want to know what she means by Objectifying ass? I really don't, do I? |
Orathy | She be squeemish of killin dags... says nuff bout what she can handle. |
Orland | While we were like two ships passing in the night at a diverse mix of parties, to really see what she is capable of was eye opening. I know where to go to ask about poisons as she clearly saved me from it. |
Petal | She seems very friendly and truly kind and thoughtful to others. She says lovely things and really notices those around her. |
Pharamond | There is no first impression to give for the girl is as stealthy and quiet as can be - hardly noticed! |
Quenia | Pleasant. And she has an avid thirst for knowledge and readily offered to help with our Nefer'khat research. |
Quintin | An invaluable guide through the Lowers. She seems clever. |
Ras | She's really calm. Got the feeling that she's always in control, somehow... |
Raven | Invisible. Devestating. Fascinating. We could be friends, couldn't we? I could tip our hand, she could slap them with the ace up our sleeve. What a team. |
Reese | She seems lovely, well spoken and graceful. Has humbleness about her and a delicate subtly. |
Rhue | A healer and minister for House Inverno of Caina. We shared a pleasant conversation in the archives and discovered shared interests. I hope to cross paths again, perhaps for further discussions of our studies of alchemy. |
Rinel | A Lycene woman and a Mirrormask--yet she defies expectations as much as the Archlector Vayne. Kind, understanding, and not at all haughty: I would do well to learn from her. |
River | She has a love for animals, and a wit that is quick. She does seem to be easily offended though. I do wonder how she got into this line of work, intelligent though. That's very nice. Overall, she seems decent. |
Sabella | She is so exceedingly polite! Even in the face of Prince Niklas, who I love dearly but can be very forceful with his opinions! Someone who can smile in the face of that must be someone I get to know! |
Sabella | I've heard that she can be a bit hard to read and to get to know, but I found her very interesting and a wonderful conversationalist! She seems to know a great many things about just about everything! |
Selene | The most beautiful hour of the night is the one where the shadows stretch longest, the silence at its most velvety, and the light shimmers softest. Mirella is all these things in one. |
Stygia | I like her, was great fun to share a chuckle at the duel with her. |
Sydney | A woman who knows when to speak, and when to be silent, and wields both as equally sharp weapons. I feel blunt indeed by comparison. |
Tescelina | A curious woman of the Lyceum. She moves as the space between stars, striking with the glint of their light. Marvelous creature, truly. |
Vayne | It is always so wonderful to meet someone who is interested in what the Shrine is doing, can do, and should do, and then who wants to get involved. She seems capable and skilled, and I look forward to seeing what she brings to the Shrine. |
Viviana | House Inverno, and by extension, albeit to a lesser degree, Pravus ourselves, are fortunate to have such a sharp young woman in our service. Quite interesting too, she strikes me as the sort who would make a perfect travelling companion. I imagine there is all sorts of trouble we could get into were we to ever venture away from the capital together. |
Willow | She could be my twin. I think we are even the same age. |
Wren | A merchant from Caina who has an ear for information and occasionally comes across unusual goods. I will definitely keep an eye out for her, and hopefully, we can find reasons to work together. |