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Action Id: 102 Crisis: Participants: Darrow(RIP)
Status: Resolved Public: True GM: None

Action by Darrow(RIP)

Darrow, the heir of House Darkwater, takes over Darkwater Reach and the House, declaring Maximilian's traitorous intents with House Marin and Ianthe. This is the 'sell' along with the actions of Victus and other Thrax who have taken Max into custody. The Darkwater marines are readied, the Estate locked down until the situation resolved.
Importantly, the household and the marines know that Darrow and Maximilian have grown close dring their months together in Arx. Betrayal from the Knight of Sorrow would seem -far- out of his character. He does spend the time to assuage concerns - and to follow his lead. They know how devoted the man is to Count Maximilian and the house. They might be more surprised that he's not stormed the Thrax keep to bust out Max already, but he assures them: be ready, the Sentinel's justice will be done.


The men of House Darkwater certainly aren't -happy- about Darrow seeming to usurp their count, but he staves off revolt due to their trust in the established character of the Knight of Sorrow. There's a great deal of grumbling, but he's confident that they won't try anything foolish.