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Your money, my skills. A good deal.

Social Rank: 8
Concept: An hunter that became a mercenary, in a thirst for gold.
Fealty: Crownsworn
Family: None
Gender: male
Marital Status: single
Age: 32
Birthday: 7/19
Religion: Pantheon
Vocation: Mercenary
Height: average height
Hair Color: red
Eye Color: dark blue
Skintone: slightly tanned caucasian skin

Description: With a smaller height than most men, this man is still bulky with two large shoulders, but seems more than endurant. His square shaped head has long, rough, red hair reaching to his shoulders, a large beard and two big eyebrows of the same color, contrasting with his two piercing dark blue eyes. He's also a loudmouth with a deep, powerful and rough voice.

Personality: Rough, tight-fisted and reckless, but always appreciate a bit company. Karak is generally seen doing whatever, mumbling, never doing nothing when he's alone. He's more familiar when he isn't doing business, but courteous when dealing with his clients, also trying to keep a nice reputation and image. He almost never succombed to extreme emotions. His rough words sometimes ended up in a fight.

Background: From a family of hunter, son of a huntsman and a merchant, Karak was a child educated to follow the family tradition, always helping his father with making arrows and butchering. Karak also spent a lot of time time training shooting bows. Except one day, Karak's father died after an hog charged him, wounding him mortally, his mother died soon enough, with nothing to sell. Karak, in his teenage years continued the family tradition, living as an hermit. Days after days, his thirst for gold, and jealousy towards nobility made him become a mercenary, he's now roaming in these lands, looking for work.

Name Summary