Kaya Arrynfield
"Judge me by my size do you? That maybe the last mistake you ever do."

Social Rank: 7
Concept: Female Fury
Gender: female
Marital Status: married
Age: 18
Birthday: 5/7
Religion: Pantheon
Vocation: Mercenary
Height: average height
Hair Color: strawberry blonde
Eye Color: honey brown
Skintone: ivory
Description: Calling her petite would be an understatement. Her wavy strawberry blonde hair is tied up neatly in a bun with locks of it framing her heart shaped face. She has warm honey brown eyes that sometimes can betray her emotions. Her pink lips contrasy her skin of ivory. At first glance she comes off as non-threatening, perhaps almost sweet and innocent. The type not to harm a fly but in action it is an entirely different story. (Hidden: Kaya has a black rose tattoo on her lower back.
Personality: A bit soft spoken and shy when you first meet her but once she starts talking you can not get her to stop. Those who know her well are a bit concerned if she falls a bit to quiet. She is known to be a bit distractible and some may call her a bit of daydreamer but when it matters her focus can be deadly. Not a girl to be underestimated. She is tough, strong and a force to be reckoned with.
Background: Growing up in the lowers alone with no familly as a girl who was always a bit small, she had two options get tough or die. From a very young age it was obvious there was more to Kaya than meet the eye. Never letting her size hold her back she grew up tough and basically did whatever it took to survive. Where life will take her now that she has grown, who knows.
Name | Summary |
Aethan | Not afraid of a challenge. |
Ajax | We are not related by blood, I am not your brother. Even though you wish you can think that tragedy begets tragedy, and I am not someone to grow attached towards. |
Alessandro | A sellsword, who has a surprising interest in theology. |
Alexio | Quiet. Dwarfish. Not very social. Inmersed in her writing. *shrugs* |
Arcadia | Young, but seems sweet. Pity she was born a commoner. |
Athaur | An excellent archer and a friendly guest. I am being charmed by the people who wander onto my Expanse. |
Braden | Quite the shot... Quick with that bow. |
Conall | A most fascinating sellsword with a desperate past - but she is a survivor and a talented poet. Someone I shall know better, I am sure of it. I enjoyed talking to her. |
Cristoph | A very small mercenary. She seems to have packed a lot into her life and I wish her the best with her future works. |
Delilah | A bit peculiar, this one. She doesn't seem to be worried by much and feels comfortable loitering around the edges, admitting to watching. Not a Whisper, but by the looks of it, a capable healer. |
Domonico | Petite, young and clearly uneducated, this girl seems to be an outstanding archer. Had she been born in Southport she would have probably done well with the Archers. |
Donato | Ajax's sister, she seems to know what's going on and interested in exploration - and enjoys a good glass of spiced rum! I wonder if she's open to all sorts of other possibly dangerous jobs. I'll have to find out. |
Fiora | She runs fast, talks little. |
Gilroy | Claims Ajax is her brother but doesn't seem to know much about him. |
Gretchen | Poor thing, she appears to have been separated from her parents. I'm sure the Iron Guard will sort it out in no time! |
Ian | Ajax's sister, I think. |
Jeffeth | She was very small. Quiet. Probably kind. But mostly small. Her name is fun though. Kaya Rose. |
Kaia | My imp-ostor! The extremely small commoner who bizarrely shares a name similar to mine. She's so annoying! Always following me around! (Strangely I seem to have grown used to it by now...when she's not doing so, I kind of begin to miss her.) Ugh, so irritating! Someone, please, take her away! |
Kaldur | I'd say it's easy to miss her, but she has this way of not talking that is almost as loud as any words she might utter. |
Keyser | A huntress, and a survivor. There must be true grit to this one. |
Klaus | I like her much. So polite and nice, tis a nice change of pace from some in the city. |
Korka | Flexible and has a great balance! Seems nice! |
Magnus | Very quiet, very small. It might be hard to get her out of her shell, but I think there's an impressive warrior underneath it. |
Marisol | Lady Kaya is bright, bubbly and effervescent. I am certain Bisland will shine a little less for her absence. |
Martino | The sweet part of the Rose family. Shared all the features of one on them in bloom. Gentle, graceful and... we'll see about the rest |
Mirk | A quiet one, but a thinker. I think. |
Petal | She seem very nice and helpful and her last name is Rose! |
Reese | A wonderful poet, a girl who seems artistic and talented. |
Rinel | She has a worryingly cavalier attitude towards the truth and the Faith alike. That she has married Azhan Arrynfield is even greater cause for concern. |
Rysen | Small of stature, but strong and skilled. She has the fury of a wolverine, and fearlessly protects her friends. |
Saro | A very soft-spoken, very tiny person. |
Sparte | Princess Gutters, what a curious nickname. She has a level head both on her shoulders and at the end of her arrows. |
Tescelina | A curious woman from the Lowers. Curious about many things. |
Vercyn | It's not often you run into a Warrior Poet. Usually it is some peer who plays at war but has never had to shed to much blood. Someone to watch. |
Vitalis | Capable and sharp-eyed. Don't underestmate her because she's tiny. |
Willow | Tiny and observant. I get the feeling of something of a kindred spirit. I imagine when angry she is suitably terrifying. |