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Action Id: 1553 Crisis: Participants: Eirene, Sophie, Orazio(RIP), Leola, Bianca, Artorius and Marcos
Status: Resolved Submitted: Jan. 4, 2018, 12:39 a.m. Public: True GM: Puffin

Silver: 13000
Social Resources: 200
Action Points: 242

Action by Eirene

Now knowing that Clue: The Pointed Confession of Leporis says that their men got eaten, Eirene works on finding out who is still alive and can possibly help. She also uses the time in Southport to look up those who retired from active military life or did their mandatory service and went back to Civilian duty. Her assistants she uses to find out what slots need to be filled or what families need to be compensated or cared for.

Action by Bianca

Bianca will be accompanying Eirene on her trek to Southport and utilizing the aid of the local Scholars of Vellichor parish for assisting manpower in the search for information regarding the missing individuals. Utilizing the local Scholars as a task force, Bianca will be working out of the parish to document and collaborate all information found pertaining to the missing parties to help paint a better picture of what happened... and where they've gone.

Action by Leola

Leola will be providing aid to attempt to prevent more vanishings, as well as ensure Orazio's safety. To this end, she ... starts feeding, and organising, cats, explaining to the remaining guard how important dogs were during the Siege of Arx, but how cats are, frankly, cooler and far more in keeping with the Lycene aesthetic. She will teach them how best to react to a cat's attention, laughing about how cats see far more than we do. Of course, during this, she also organises the cats to watch for the Shadows, to alert guards and she arranges food and comfort for them in return, as well as many guardsmen on which to perch.

Action by Orazio(RIP)

Orazio's going to reach out to old friends still in Southport, both from his time of service, and his time as a priest there. He'll make a trip down, reconnect, buy many rounds of drinks, and see what he can find out about the missing people, as well as what those who remain are thinking about all of this. Where he can, he will soothe concerns which can be soothed, and pass on concerns which probably should be addressed. He's also probably going to drink a /lot/ of beer, and meet a lot of people's kids and grandkids.

Action by Sophie

Sophie will reach out to the Southport chapter of the Mercies as well as the Knights of Solace there. Perhaps they have heard some odd tales from pilgrims and patrols, or maybe have encountered unusual injuries and illnesses (amnesia, in particular).

Action by Marcos

Marcos answers Eirene's call for assistance. He ponders the problem and starts trying to figoure out the when of the missing people. Moving about with a list and checking in with friends and family of the missing folks. When they wer last seen. Any oddness or wrry they expressed. He tries to set up a timeline for each missing person so that timelines can be compared to one another. Also durring his looking into things he, of course, will keep his eyes open for other clues or strangeness.

Action by Artorius

Count Artorius Magnotta joins Eirene as she returns to Southport with one of the ships from his navy and a band of his elite guard from Magnotta to help keep the peace, as well as personally help solve the mystery of where in the hell all of their soldiers had run off to.


Under Lady Eirene Malvici, old soldiers, veterans, retired people, and those thinking about getting out of military service are encouraged to think about the community. Father Orazio, Archscholar Bianca, Mother Sophie, Count Artorius, and Lord Marcos go forth trying to talk to various people with varying levels of success.

Archscholar Bianca, perhaps with her newfound familiarity with the Eater of Stories' habits, works with Lady Eirene to learn where the missing folk have gone - and to their combined dismay, they conclude that it's quite likely they were simply eaten, not just kidnapped or hidden away.

Father Orazio reaches out to people he used to know and they are generally pretty receptive to sharing a beer with him and showing him their grandkids. For the most part they're fairly confused by the entire debacle - because up until the heist happened, they were confident in Duchess Calypso's leadership.

Mother Mercy Sophie is similarly successful. She hears some odd tales from patrols - not of amnesia, but of surprisingly well-armed shavs that are also increasingly hostile. It's a little ominous, considering that she is interviewing mostly veterans who know better than to underestimate an enemy. They're concerned, to be sure.

And Leola? Leola looks to the cats for help. She hears things like 'I could probably tell you, but I'm just so thirsty. It's hard to think when I'm thirsty." And then pointed glances at the nearest dairy. Or "You know, that fish yesterday really helped me focus on looking for those shadow things." And then a look. The Look. Cats are unpredictable at the best of times, and these are decidedly not the best of times. They will work for Leola - as long as the bribes keep coming, which means she spends her time in Southport literally herding cats.

With their efforts, veterans and retired soldiers start filling in the ranks of the missing soldiers. Slowly, Southport is getting up to strength again.