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New Sher...Duke in Town

Posted by Puffin on 07/04/18
Just after the wedding of Prince Aiden Grayson to Duchess Grazia Rubino-Zaffria, the new Duke and Duchess, along with their friend Marquessa Quenia Igniseri, embarked upon a tour of their lands. Their goal was to introduce Aiden to his new people, and to recruit for the army to make up for some of the losses suffered in the actions at Setarco and Stormwall.

While initially lukewarm to him, the people warmed up over time - and especially with the endorsement of their Duchess, and also Quenia, long-time friend of their ruling family. The tour is generally successful, highlighting Aiden's military experience and diplomatic connections. The people cheer - and start signing up when recruitment time comes around.