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Cullers Going Legit?

Posted by Tenebry on 12/23/19
Seems like the Cullers have launched a legitimate shipping, trading, and exchange company, a fleet of cogs and galleys for transporting goods. Legally obtained goods that they are, in fact, legally selling. "Legitimate?" the people on the docks ask. "Legitimate? Really?" ask stray merchants in the Lowers' Markets. "I'm hearing legitimate," comes up in conversations in the Upper Boroughs. It takes a few high-placed fussbudgets asking loaded questions about how legitimate this legitimacy is before even the nobility is convinced. Or convinced enough.

It does, indeed, really, truly, seem like the Cullers have a real, true legitimate, trading, and exchange company. It's above-board. It's efficient. They're doing good business. How strange. People talk about Torian's deal making, that Orathy seems to be keeping his nose clean. They talk about Acacia's eye for crew, and Vernan's skill for making crew better. And they especially talk about Calandra. That Culler who really made good and went Whisper, and is now helping head up this venture. Are her graces rubbing off on that rough old crowd?

It's not all sea and sunshine for the Cullers. This clear and present legitimacy relaxes the Iron Guard, and old associates get talking that the Cullers are forgetting where they came from, thinking they're better than their raising.