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The Rose of Solace

Posted by Fabulist on 01/24/20
A newly constructed fortress has been raised in Chevalle under the stern eye of Count Philippe Blanchard. They are calling it the "Rose of Solace" and it is intended to be a military outpost used by the Knights of Solace in the Western Oathlands. The fortress has numerous curious features, including a device known as the March of Paladins, partially designed by Lady Tescelina Wyrmguard, and gardens full of Torean roses, given as gifts from Lord Ignacio and Lady Cadenza. People speak of it's sweeping form, both lovely and solid, as well as the fact that many Lycene nobles aided in its construction. Count Philippe and those of his house are seen as diplomats, proving that the Oathlands and Lyceum can indeed work together to make beautiful things.