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Evacuation of the Western Gate

Posted by Kalakh on 08/27/21
The stories that have spread about the slaughter at Bastion's western gate are horrific, if clearly exaggerated. Survivors claim it was the work of a single, if numerous pack of extremely large and bloodthirsty wolves, but no wolfpack could possibly kill so many people, so very quickly, including quite a few of the city's valiant guardsmen, who, claim some of these survivors, never had a chance to use their drawn weapons. And that's not touching on the ridiculous claims that the attack was led by a woman who turned *into* a wolf, or that the pack intentionally herded fleeing civilians back toward the gate, blocking those attempting to flee the city until the gate itself collapsed on them.

One thing is clear, however, and that is that each and every one of the survivors from outside the western gates owe their lives to several noted individuals: Lord Marzio Mazetti, Duke Valdemar Grimhall, Princess Viviana Pravus, Marquis Cahal Lyonesse, Aconite Whisper, and Harlex Valtyr. Together they rallied the surviving guard, and organized a swift evacuation of as many of the civilians as possible, which included a considerable number of children, while fending off the pursuing wolf pack. While the area outside of Bastion's ruined western gate was littered with the torn bodies of those unable to escape in time, hundreds were saved by their quick thinking and bravery.