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Horror at Bastion Harbor

Posted by Herja on 08/27/21
In the days and weeks after the Sack of Bastion, survivors start to speak about what they saw and what they experienced. The ships at the harbor were instrumental in moving the injured and the terrified out of the city safely without forcing a trek through the harshness of a Crownlands winter. From the accounts of survivors, the attack at the harbor did extensive damage, much of which appeared to be done by some sort of makeshift siege engine that was decorated in strange ways. Some of those who were witness to the events at the harbor whisper about a giant creature that stomped the buildings, stomped the docks, and even stomped Lord Ian Kennex before Prince Romulius Thrax shot a ballista at the thing and took it down just before Prince Aindre Grayson fired the second ballista bolt that finished it off.

The area was only secured by the efforts of Prince Aindre Grayson, Prince Romulius Thrax, Lord Ian Kennex, Lady Eirene Riven, Lord Mirk Halfshav, Duchess Khanne Halfshav, Lady Volcica Stahlben, Lord Cassimir Inverno, Lord Jamie Greenmarch, and Lady Rosalind Ravenseye, who, according to many eye witness accounts actually attacked the shav 'siege engine' bodily. While Lord Ian ended up injured for his endeavors, the people that were saved and evacuated from the city speak solemnly of the heroic leaders that helps prevent an even greater tragedy at the harbor.