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Come Together

Posted by Puffin on 03/12/18
This business of the Pirate King in the Mourning Sea brings hard times for the Compact. It hasn't been that long since the Siege of Arx, and the common people - and those left behind - are on tenterhooks. They've said goodbye to loved ones and friends, they've made their peace. More than one person has been left in Arx with a fresh copy of a last will and testament, last words and final dispositions of goods to be opened in case the worst happens.

But as the Compact holds its breath and seems inclined to dire predictions and tearful memories, Marquessa Samantha Deepwood leads morale-boosting efforts within the city. She hosts fundraisers and events. She works to bring communities together. She reminds them of their determination as a people. Of their unity. Of their belief in the greater good and the triumph of the human spirit. She always seems to be in the right place at the right time - or perhaps that's something to do with Lumen Whisper, who is often by her side to help the Marquessa's efforts.

Princess Roxana Grayson and Lady Desiree Wyrmguard, well known socialites, travel from party to party. They inject their own brand of merriment into festivities, using their charms and good natures to encourage others to be cheerful. They also open up their family's coffers and donate to help the war effort, to help the poor - basically, if funds are being raised, these two are there to help! Coming together is what the Compact is all about, after all.

They are joined by that bright ray of sunshine, Lady Kenna Whitehawk. She goes around cheering people, listening to their cares, helping where she can. She's cheering up the whole city as she goes, that she is. Saya Dalin works this angle too, making little charms and bracelets, inexpensive pieces of clothing and distributing them to the poor. She helps people better their circumstances, and it's awfully hard to be gloomy with a stylish new outfit.

Lord Grady Deepwood focuses on talking and listening to people around the city. He too is hosting events and generally being encouraging. He stresses the need to come together and to keep everyone's spirits high, reminding people that this is a righteous battle and one necessary to their survival. He tries too, to come up with solutions for perceived problems - people always seem to feel better about things when they're taking action to fix them.

Not to be left out the Mother Mercy herself, Princess Sophie Valardin, rallies the Mercies and takes herself to the Lowers. This is a difficult time for those who look only to the Crown - they may or may not be attacked, they may or may not have a way to defend themselves, they may or may not have some idea of what's coming. Uncertainty abounds, and here the Mercies work to comfort and encourage people, making sure there's no panic among them.

For now it works, and Arx holds its breath as its armies sail to war.