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House Wyvernheart

Posted by Thea on 08/01/22
Wyvernheart is a small and 'new' house with ties to Wyrmguard family and a story history with the Thrornweave plot. We're active, friendly, and willing to work with lots of concepts. Not terribly traditional or uptight for an Oathlands house, come and join in if you want to be part of a scrappy up and coming family of gung-ho adventurers focused on building new things.

Concepts we can use:
Former Steelhart Cousins: Highhill was once home to the Steelhart family, and while they are, for the most part, wiped out by the Thornweave, a survivor or two might have floated back home and would be welcomed as family.
Former Wyrmguard Cousins: The core noble family is an offshoot of Wyrmguard and we still have blood ties to the Wyrmguard family. Other former Wyrmguards can come support the house as one of our own (though if Wyrmguard interests you they have OCs too of course!)
Commoner Friends: with connections to Champions, Scholars, and other orgs, Wyvernheart is also eager to support merchants, fighter-types, or anyone else who'd like to be adjacent and hang out in our orbit. In particular, mastiffs come from Highhill and if you've got a concept with a passion for animal ken a full time trainer and outdoor expert would be a great addition.