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Episode: Shattered Peace

Posted by Story on 10/01/22
The civil war in the Mourning Isles has dragged on now for months and months. The landscape is looking better for Prince Victus and his followers than some might have originally anticipated, but it's far from a winning one yet. There will be more battles and acts of war before this is all through.

Redreef Shores itself is under imminent attack. Landing parties from Houses Nightcove, Dredcall, Greywalke, Bloodbrook, Grimkin, and other less important houses that have not distinguished themselves, have been spotted finding places to secure a toehold before they make a move on the keep itself. Trade is drastically down in the area as they attack any that look like they might be on their way to relieve the Redreefs.

Stormward and Eswynd Rock succeeded in repelling the forces in their waters and are likely able to launch a quick counter-offensive for the time that their waters aren't infested with the enemy.

Grimkin are bogged down in a nasty fight with what's left of Whitefrost's resistance, finding them far more difficult to deal with than anticipated. Their hopes to launch an attack on Tyde from such a close stronghold seem to be dashed for now.

Meanwhile, it sounds as if Dredcall and Blookbrook may be interested in treating for their captured soldiers and relatives. But what changes that bring remain to be seen.

Some wonder where Prince Dagon and Lord Anders have been throughout the last several months as they haven't been witnessed at any of the primary battles. Word eventually circulates from one of Scholar Timofey's war reports, that both of the men have been spotted in numerous reconnaissances missions, indicating most large tactical decisions have been coming from them.

Further, Lord Anders has been witnessed leaving Eastcrest, and his cousin the Marquis, has ceased his threats against the Brothers Kennex.

Many have awaited a declaration from Prince Dagon in regards to House Thrax's sword, Reafian. But the blade's whereabouts remain unknown.

For now, war marches on. And the Faith sails to Escuma to put heretics to rest, their fleet numbers bolstered by Houses Velenosa and Valardin.