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Episode: The Despite of Fable

Posted by Story on 11/06/23
On Feburary 11th of the year 1021 After Reckoning, the blood moon rose in the skies above Arvum. The Eclipse of Mirrors, the Lycene celebration led by House Velenosa in worship of the 13th God, accompanies the coming of the blood moon, a night of whispers and secrets told, and for many a night they never forget.

The Compact has forgotten much in the past thousand years. But not this night.

As the blood moon rose over Arx, the skies rained blood, mixing with the fallen snows of the streets. In the Lower Boroughs, the unfortunates with inadequate shelter were in a panic, and a refuge run by the Knights of Solace was near overwhelmed by a mob. The moon waxed huge and threatening in the sky, far larger than the moon should ever be... and then it was over. The moon returned to normal, regular snows blanketed the red lined streets.

But the people that had saw the blood moon rise and rain blood did not forget.

In the past years, the Compact has been noted for its intense skepticism. Anything supernatural is explained off readily. Stories of the fantastic are mocked, and the commoners of Arx often jape at the 'addled nobility' harboring silly superstitions, and being conned by a group of shavs calling themselves elves when such a thing doesn't actually exist. Even the king married one in a height of foolishness, and mention of magic would bring derisive laughter. This even extended to attacks on Arx itself, with the fantastic forgotten, and the mundane remembered, and much mockery of anyone that would ever say differently. But not this time. Not now.

Something is different. The people remember, and the people are terrified.