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Episode: But Strong in Will

Posted by Story on 12/20/23
There's a stomping, a rumble, a thrumming in the air around the war camp set outside Harrow Hall. Sentries raise the alarm as several scouts dash into camp babbling frantically about *giants* and *monsters*, and *giant monsters* and *coming this way right now*, but they're not coming from the direction of the Hall itself; quite the opposite, and another scout arrives shortly after to breathlessly report, completely baffled, that Marquis Cahal Lyonesse, Lady Jan Malespero, Lord Charlemagne Bellervie, and Lord Ian Kennex are in front and leading the way.

Stomp, stomp, stomp and then the entire camp can see them, nearly two dozen giants of varying sizes and shapes, each distinct, bearing weapons of all kinds and wearing old, battered armor, marching behind the group of humans that they're following, and singing what sounds like several songs all at once, every note seemingly terribly off-key, every word incomprehensible, but every now and then they lift their weapons as one and shout.

The fomorians have come to Harrow Hall.