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Episode: And Not to Yield

Posted by Story on 01/19/24
The legions of Azazel were delayed marching across the Everwinter. Avalanches, destroyed passes, sabotage, and harrying attacks tried to bleed the forces every step of the way. But still they came on, killing everything that could not escape. More domains have fallen. Some evacuated, some with bitter last stands, but fall they have. And now the horde comes to Farhaven. The walls of Farhaven have stood for a thousand years, built after the harrowing of the first Reckoning. And defenders lining the walls see the slow tide that marches south along the horizon. And ending sea of dark creatures. Mostly shards, twisted humans empowered by the abyss, many wearing armor and carrying arms from their lives, however ill suited they are to them. But not only shards.

Tens of thousands of monstrosities from shardhavens are here. Demons among them, and the air is black with winged creatures. On the ground, the standards bearing the fanged mouth of Azazel wave in the breeze, and the mouth on the banners move.

There's no subtlety in the approach. A slow beat of drums, a low howl of the demonic horde that becomes louder by the moment as they creep closer and closer. They mean to storm Farhaven.