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Episode: And Not to Yield

Posted by Story on 01/20/24
Bastion was lost once. When it fell, the heart of many of the Crownlands fell with it. Grayson has been associated with the Compact since its founding, and while it has faltered many times during its history, losing its home was a hard loss to swallow. But it was rebuilt. And then the legions of Azazel began to sweep during the Crownlands, evacuations commenced, and tens of thousands of shav'arvani and citizens of the Compact alike fled towards Arx. Most had little hope of making it, as the legions marched inexorably on.

But the rebuilt Bastion stood in its path.

House Grayson decided to make a stand. It was one of the largest hosts they ever assembled, and the price was bitterly paid, but Azazel's legions were bloodied against the walls, driven back and routed. No doubt they will reassemble, and continue their march towards Arx. No doubt the forces will be bitter from the loss, and hungry to pay it back in blood.

But for the refugees seeking safety in Arx, it means everything. They survive. And while most of the Compact has looked at Grayson's house words in askance, more than a few feel it in their bones after that victory.

None Greater.