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Episode: And Not to Yield

Posted by Story on 01/28/24
After the defeat earlier in the day and previous day, Azazel's forces withdrew to the beaches and coastline outside Arx. From a distance, it looks like a giant-sized mirror is being propped up on the beaches by a number of exceptionally tall giants, with several hundred shards around it performing blood sacrifices. A minute later, on the tense but otherwise untouched Sovrereign Bridge, a noble named Lord Derek Shavsbane trips while holding a mirror, and begins bleeding from his eyes. As a Mercy of Lagoma rushes over to help the man, he screams out, "But I was promised! I was PROMISED by Azazel!" And then drops the mirror onto the ground while falling over himself. The man body suddenly collapses downward with a crunching of bones, as if a great force was grinding him from above, and his blood washes over the mirror but just keeps expanding on the ground. A large span of the bridge is covered in reflective blood, and then on the bridge, thousands of shards start to move forward through the mirror, and crawl out on Sovereign Bridge.

There's a war scream of massive horned and winged demons with claymores flying out, huge hulking demons that immediately begin to slaughter the Iron Guard stationed on the bridge. Demons are pouring through.