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Episode: The Silence Speaks

Posted by Story on 04/16/17
A white banner of truce is flown by a pair of shavs approaching the Seawatch Gate, who come bearing terms presented to the Iron Guardsmen manning the gate before they depart once more. The terms read:

"To the mortal rabble of Arx,

You cannot hope to stand before Tolamar Brand, the Voice of the Silence. You have under two weeks to open your gates, lay down your arms, and allow the herald to access the thinnest point, or every man, woman and child will die screaming within Arx's blighted walls. The world around you is a cruel, loud cacophany of suffering, a cancer that has long festered, and we shall cut it out. All will become silent, and blessedly at peace, at long last. Stand in our way, and we shall show you what suffering truly is."