This Week in RP
Posted by Calista on 12/26/23
I do not want to jinx myself but it appears that there will be a bit of a lull in RL chaos and I will have more time for things like RP! I know, I'm super excited. As we draw closer to the end of stories and despite me playing Calista for the last millennia, there are many people I have not been able to meet and greet due to wild RL schedules. I would love to get out there and make some last memories with as many of you as possible. Calista has many hooks that extend far beyond the Lyceum and being a Duchess of House Fidante. Feel free to page and @mail if you'd like to get a scene going, or just drop on by if you see me on grid.
Let's make this last month one to remember! - Happy Gaming
Player of Calista
Let's make this last month one to remember! - Happy Gaming
Player of Calista