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@Actions on the Web

Posted by Pax on 11/04/18
The very beginning of web integration for actions is now live; you can test it by going to your character page and picking 'Story Actions' down at the bottom. That page will show you all the actions you've been part of, including those that are pending GM review and that are still in a draft.

As an added bonus, if it's a draft action and you haven't submitted your assist yet (i.e. your part of the action is still editable), you'll see an "Edit" button that will let you edit your action, secret action, roll, and a few other things.

If you go to another player's page and view their Story Actions, you will have the same interface to be able to view just those that are flagged as public.

NOTE: Right now, creating new actions, submitting actions, adding resources, and inviting people still all need to be done on the game; I'm going to be adding those bits of functionality to the website as well later, but right now I want to make sure the system is working properly as-is.

This is still just a first cut, so I may still tweak things going forward, but hopefully even this much is useful for folks.