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The State of Bastion

Posted by Herja on 08/26/21
A lot of people are asking about the current status of Bastion. As of right now, the city of Bastion is still occupied, presumably by shavs or perhaps Other Things. In order to gather information about the current state of the city and what needs to be done to secure it, we are opening up Bastion to scouting PrPs. If you are interested in GMing one of these missions, we have broken up the city into several districts that will need scouting with varying difficulties of severity.

Grayhold: The is the highest risk area and will be GMed by me.
Cathedral District: High Risk area
Harbor: High Risk Area
Western Gate: Moderate Risk Area
Noble District: Moderate Risk Area
Artisan District: Moderate Risk Area

Once we have some GMs that are interested in running scouting these areas, we will begin asking for people to sign up for the scenes and then information can be passed on to the rest of the Compact.