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Temporary Bans

Posted by Herja on 06/13/22
As an intermediary step between warnings and permanent bans, staff has been utilizing temporary bans from the game (usually no longer that two weeks) as a 'cooling off' period for players before we resort to permanent banning. There are some offenses, such as OOC harassment and creeper behavior, that are a straight permanent ban with no transitory steps between, but for a lot of issues, we have found that players just need a little bit of distance and perspective to realize that their behavior isn't good for the community.

That said, a temporary ban should still be treated like a ban. That means no logging into the website or staying logged in the continue to interact with game elements, such as posting journals for weekly xp. We consider that circumventing the ban and it will likely result in a permanent ban to follow, especially now that we are explicitly stating that it is not allowed while a temporary ban is in effect. We are hoping to put in a coded method to make sure that players banned from the game are also banned from the website, but, until that fix is installed, we expect players to adhere to what a 'ban' means, whether temporary or permanent.