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The Courtship of Lord Pharamond and Lady Tabitha

Posted by Olivia on 03/11/19
House Ashford is happy to announce the courtship of Lord Pharamond Ashford, Sword of House Ashford, and Lady Tabitha Whitehawk. The courtship will last four months. Lady Tabitha will be joining House Ashford early in the new year, pending completion of contract negotiation. We are very happy to welcome her to the family and to strengthen our ties with the Whitehawk's.

--- Whitehawk Stance (from Silas) ---
Whitehawk looks forward to a successful courtship and establishing a strong alliance with House Ashford!

--- The Crown Stance (from Saoirse) ---
I look forward to keeping TABs on this courtship. ....Pheromones. I'm tired.

--- Grayson Stance (from Tikva) ---
House Whitehawk is to be congratulated on its masterfully successful campaign of unprecedented social climbing.