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Lifting the Hearts of the City

Posted by Medeia on 11/08/23
House Saik would like to take a moment to thank and honor the common people of the city of Arx and beyond its fine walls throughout the Compact. Without them, much of structure we have all come to rely upon would crumble. We are grateful for all the ways in which we come together in times of need to support and uplift each other. Now, we wish to show that gratitude with more than just words. As such, Baroness Lucita Saik and I have authorized the following donations from our house:
- 50000 To The Knights of Solace for their work helping the needy and protecting paths of travel,
- 50000 to Heart in Hand for their far-reaching charitable work,
-50000 to the Commoners' Council to assist in the work on behalf of the people within Arx.

Additionally, another 50000 silver each has been donated in honor and recognition of Tanith Grayhope and Samira Culler for their care and attention to helping one of our own in the past.

Lady Medeia Saik
Voice of House Saik