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Words from the Grayson General

Posted by Eirene on 12/19/23
General Eirene Riven continues to provide troop briefings and updates from Harrow Hall. First it's about the threat of wolves and a barricade set up to dissuade charging enemies. But THIS ONE is really odd... Even by her standards.

"As you now know, some shit is weird. Weirder than life. Weirder than fiction. Magic is real. Monsters are real. The gods are real. Some of them want us dead, some of them want to help. In the arena of 'weird shit coming to help', we have the souls of the dead who were victims of our enemy. Taking on new bodies from Arx's honored and ancient dead. Yes. Souls inhabiting dead bodies. On OUR side. I cannot make this up... I expect you to serve with honor, courage, and the knowledge that vengeance and justice cannot be barred even by death. I look to you to stand tall with our comrades, both the quick and the dead, and fight this good fight for all our souls and our futures."

--- Faith of the Pantheon Stance via Avary ---
The Gods are real and their gifts are to be received. The Queen of Endings has allowed these souls to seek Justice against our common enemy. Stand true, and may the Sentinel guard the righteous.

--- Mazetti Stance via Hadrian ---
We would love to know which of the gods would like us dead so we may seek the Faith's council on this revelation.