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A New Arrival in Bravura

Posted by Patrizio on 12/27/23
The House of Pravus is happy to announce the formal adoption of Lord Xaviaro by the good Lords Orland and Savio of Amadeo.

What started as a tragedy has turned into a story with a very happy end. After some discussion, it has been decided that his lordship, whose father was lost in the Skal'daja War and his mother sadly some time after, will formally join the Amadeo family as son, grandson, and sibling, and henceforth shall be known to all within the Compact as Lord Xaviaro of Amadeo.

It is our pleasure to offer sincere congratulations on this happy occasion that blesses and brings our houses closer together, and strengthens the bonds of fealty and mutual family. We look forward to watching him grow into a strong, clever, and capable young man alongside his siblings.

As such, it is agreed that all past, current and future rights and claims of the young lord to his former house are waived in favour of those of his new house. Further, as symbol of the enduring bond between Bravura and Setarco, his lordship's connection to Pravus and his noble heritage shall stand at this time without prejudice.

May the Gods bless this happy event and all involved now and in future. Please join us all as we congratulate the happy, and growing, family.

By my own hand,
Patrizio of Pravus
Archduke of Setara
Highlord of the Saffron Chain

--- Undying Empire Stance ---
The Platinum Empire wishes the new family all the happiness it can find in a world made new. Dream the best dreams, together.

--- Vaevici Stance via Titus ---
From the ashes of turbulent wars come hope. The Vaevici send our blessings to lord Xaviaro, may they fight hard for a bright future and world worth protecting.

--- Proscipi Stance via Cassiopeia ---
The arrival of Lord Xaviaro Amadeo is joyful news and Proscipi warmly welcomes their newest cousin.

--- Valardin Stance via Alis ---
Many warm congratulations to the Amadeo family. May the Gods grant them all happiness and joy.

--- Amadeo Stance via Duarte ---
Our deepest gratitude to the Archduke for the support. We are overjoyed and thrilled to give Lord Xaviaro a loving home and family.

--- Malespero Stance via Apollo ---
House Malespero celebrates with Amadeo and the people of Bravura. May Lord Xaviaro find warmth and comfort in his new home, family, and people.