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Ashford Birth Announcement

Posted by Lisebet on 12/28/23
With the return to Arx of Duchess-Consort Lisebet Ashford comes a proclamation that surprises none of the Ashfords, nor those who know Harlan and Lisebet, but may surprise others. House Ashford proclaims the birth of a daughter to Harlan and Lisebet, Lady Aisley Ashford. The house will provide drinks at the Badger Boarding House for the next two weeks in celebration.

--- Pravus Stance via Patrizio ---
House Pravus celebrates with the Duke and Duchess-consort at their new arrival. May the gods smile upon them and all those who stand beneath their banner.

--- Laurent Stance via Mabelle ---
House Laurent congratulates House Ashford for such bright news in such weird times. Celebratory drinks will be offered at the Bee.