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The Might Of Maelstrom

Posted by Alarissa on 01/11/24
His Grace makes preparations and I speak as his voice.

Great evil amasses within our lands, waters, and at our borders. It seeks to destroy all that which we are. We are not unfamiliar to this. Many times the people of the Isles has risen to meet the challenges laid at our feet. To raise our swords and defend that which is undeniably ours. They say that to test the mettle of the Mourning Isles is to court death herself.
Thrax stands and answers the call as we always have and raises it's banners in defense of home, hearth and ship. This call goes out upon the waves to all corners.
House Thrax in Arx and Maelstrom itself opens it's doors to those who seek it's shelter should they arrive at our gates seeking. We ask of our vassals to do the same. Though we are surrounded by water, evil cares not and will cross it. We call those who can fight to take up arms and do so. Those who cannot fight, lend support in those other ways that are often unlauded but just as necessary.
We stand at this threshhold once again. We will not waver in this battle of our lifetime. Scarred and battleweary as we are, we stand. As the Duke Harold Grimhall once said, I call on you to make your ancestors proud.
Tears in our wake, never at our wake
Princess Consort Alarissa Thrax,
Voice of House Thrax

--- Navegant Stance via Ian ---
House Navegant calls its banners, and rallies its ships in the defense of our homeland. Now is the time to turn all of our resources towards the defense the Compact, and, as Duke Harald taught us, to make our ancestors jealous.