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Lady Aislin Ashford

Posted by Harlan on 01/13/18
After discussing with the Explorers Guild and others, I, Duke Harlan Ashford, am declaring that the search for Lady Aislin Ashford is ended until such time as there is new information that would lead to finding her. There are more important matters at hand than spending resources on a blind search.

I trust in the gods that if my sister is meant to be found, that she will be -- and if she is not, and someone or something caused this, then we will exact justice and vengeance upon them.

For now, Ashford is turning its eyes and resources to the threats facing us immediately. We will be having a celebration of Lady Aislin Ashford's life, and the many people who loved her and hwose lives were touched, when there are less immediate matters to attend to.

I want to personally thank the Explorers Guild and everyone who has offered House Ashford help in this. It is very much appreciated.

Duke Harlan Ashford