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Telmar-Halfshav Betrothal

Posted by Corban on 03/08/18
House Telmar and House Halfshav are pleased to announce the formal betrothal of Lord Percephon Telmar and Lady Khanne Halfshav. It is expected upon the completion of contract negotiations that Lord Percephon will join House Halfshav with all the privileges of a member of that House.

We ask Limerance's blessings on Lord Percephon and Lady Khanne as their union allows the forging of an alliance between the Telmarch and Whitehold.

In the name of the Duke,

Lord Corban Telmar
Voice of House Telmar
“Fear no enemy”

--- Thrax Stance (from Alarissa) ---
About time! Thrax lifts it's whiskey to you both! Many happy years to come!

--- Rubino-Zaffria Stance (from Grazia) ---
The Houses Rubino and Zaffria offer the pair all happiness and well-wishes in their union.

--- Grayhope Stance (from Magpie) ---
Fuck yeah!

--- Argento Stance (from Lianne) ---
About time, indeed. May Limerance watch over this long overdue union.

--- Spirit Walkers Stance (from Drea) ---
We will prepare the flower crowns and drum circles for this joyous occasion.

--- Keaton Stance (from Reigna) ---
Keaton could not be more happy and wish this couple every blessing! Limerance smile upon you!

--- Laurent Stance (from Cristoph) ---
Many congratulations to the lucky couple!

--- Malvici Stance (from Calypso) ---
House Malvici congratulates the happy couple in this union!

--- Rivenshari Stance (from Athaur) ---
May the union of their currents always lead to joyful destinations.

--- Redrain Stance (from Gwenna) ---
House Redrain warmly welcomes Lord Percephon and wishes the couple every happiness!