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Tea with the Archscholar II

Archscholar Oswyn will be at Teaology at the Vellichorian Academy. Come hang out, bring up business, chat about nerd things with one of the nerdiest nerds ever.


March 25, 2022, 7:37 p.m.

Hosted By



Raven Wash Kiera Esme Faye



Arx - Ward of the Compact - Vellichorian Academy - A Cup of Teaology

Largesse Level


Comments and Log

Oswyn settles into the seat at the head of the longest table, putting some papers down in front of himself and tugging off his ever-present satchel so he can set it down beside his feet. A very junior scholar immediately bustles over to provide some tea, just as they have for everyone else sitting down.

Raven offers a warm, broad smile to Oswyn and pulls up a chair at the table, "Absolutely fantastic." She assures warmly.

Wash politely sips tea and listens politely.

Kiera nods "I am well, Archscholar, yourself?

Esme saunters into the room with all the feline grace that she has. The flowing white robes float around her as she turns this way and that. For a brief (very brief) moment, Esme is the epitome of poise and serenity. Then a soft squeal of excitement parts her lips and ends that. "Oh! I don't think I've been here. It is rather remarkable. Oh! Look at those cups! And the tea selections and..." Her voice trails off as Joy kicks her lightly. An exchanged look before Esme's emerald eyes tatttle tale on her and show an apology. A soft clearing of her throat to be more 'faithful' or such as she moves to look at those attending. It's very clear she's trying to decide where to sit. Even if her words are silenced, her smile is illuminating to any that happen to look at her.

"Decent," Oswyn tells Kiera, nodding to her. And Raven as well. "Ah. Well. Let's all enjoy some tea together, shall we? And if anyone would like to discuss anything or draw something to my attention, now is a good time." He squints in Esme's direction for a long moment before saying, "Sister Esme, good to see you again."

Wash scoots over on the couch, lounging casually, making room for anyone else who wants to sit there.

Raven looks up and studies Esme curiously, bowing her head respectfully, "Good day, Sister Esme."

Kiera smiles brightly at Esme "a truly delightful spot, I agree sister, it is good to see you. While I am always researching several things at once. I'm uncertain if any require the attention of the faith, although i've recently become interested in a subject about which i know almost nothing and that is dreams"

The tops of Esme's cheek flush a bit a soft pink at the long squint. She might also be trying to avoid direct eye contact for a moment. "Archscholar, it is so good to be seen. I mean, to see you as well. You are looking rather wonderful today. It is the most exceptional of days to learn something and to have attention upon pressing matters, would you not agree?" Of course, she doesn't wait for an answer as she bubbles on with her words. "What is your most favored tea in here? I am not even sure where to start, but I will have to try them all." A pause. "OH! I do hope that wasn't an interruption." She moves with ease of silent grace over to the couch to sit right next to Wash. A slight lean in towards him to offer a comment and if he doesn't move, she'll attempt to full on hug him happily before settling in. Her smile is given towards Kiera and Raven too, as if they are her BEST friends and she's hanging out with them again.

Esme has joined the a set of sofas upholstered in forest green silk.

Oswyn glances down at himself as if puzzled as to why he might look wonderful. He just smiles and nods to Esme. "I like the camomile. And the mint," he tells her. "Though I suppose that's two favourites." He picks up his teacup and has another quick squint about. "Dreams?" he asks Kiera. "Er. Dreams like... visions, or dreams regular dreams?"

Wash is well acquainted with Esme and makes sure that her affections don't end with his tea spilled.

Raven's warm, almost downright sunshiny smile turned towards Oswyn faulters a bit at the mention of dreams. She draws in a deep breath and retrieves her flask. She bobs her head again at Esme when the Sister flashes a smile Raven's way, "Context, Lady Kiera. There's true dreams, There's THE dream, there's history concerning the Age of Dreams, Something about the Sanctum of Dreams, even multiple types of dreamers. If you were willing to speak on the reason you're interested in dreams or narrow the scope you're likely to get more useful answers."

Wash says, "Are there any clear signs that you are having a vision sent from the Gods and not just a very vivid dream?"

"That's a very good question, I think," Oswyn tells Wash with a faint smile. "I'm under the impression that they feel different? I don't think I've had one. Then again, maybe I'm having them all the time but I just think they're ordinary wackiness. Still, I don't think the gods have anything pressing to tell me about, say, cake."

Esme gets a mint tea and does a sort of silent happy dance/happy wiggle when it arrives. A few words towards Wash, but she's focused on the discussion happening. Her eyes slide over towards Kiera as the comment of the dreams comes up.

Raven says, "Not all visions come form gods. I think those who are True Dreamers have a way to know when they've had a vision but I ain't sure HOW they know. I am NOT a true dreamber but I've had visions. Usually it's more vivid. Normal dreams are hazy and I don't clearly recall them once I wake but a vision is just as clear when I wake as I was dreaming it." She rolls her eyes, "And at least once the shits that sent it left parting gifts like a lingering of something burning in the air and blood that wasn't mine on my hands. I heard account of some who have visions having physical sensations when they wake or having a personal item like a ring become hot to the touch and noticing it when they wake."

Wash says, "Well, during the Gyre war, many of us who aided in the defense of Maelstrom had visions while we slept. From Mangata it seems. The only confirmation I have though is the timing and the fact that so many aboard my vessel had the same vision."

Oswyn's head bobs. "Right. I've never had anything like that." He squints over in Wash's direction and asks, "Really? What were the visions about, if you don't mind my asking?"

Wash says, "It was uh... Mangata wrestling with her reflection, then an image of his herald rising from the sea. We took it as a sign that the conflict was far from over. But it was the first time I knew of that so many had shared the same message."

Raven ahhhs, "I have only had a shared dream twice but I never compared the dreams with others in that group because the messengers of the vision...well. They don't communicate coherently but I wish I had, I'm curious now if anything varied or not. Ah well. Something to keep in mind if it happens again." Raven's eyebrow lift at tell of Wash's vision "....That's...alarming." She chews her bottom lip and ponders it quietly.

Wash says, "Iy"

Wash says, "It was five years ago now. Nothing to be alarmed over today. That herald is dead after all, Reveka took his place."

Raven says, "Well, lucky for us she did."

Kiera hms "At the moment I'm not having any, though I have had occasion to have visions both sleeping and waking. Presently however it is the mention of the sanctum of dreams that presently draws my attention. I was researching Dame Sugan when I came across the reference. I had previously known of the existence of true dreams but this was the first mention i've had of dreams being something other then messages we passively receive

Esme listens with excitement in her eyes as she looks from one to the other. A soft bounce as she looks at each person when they speak. "Oh, this is exciting. So very exciting." Then her eyes flick towards Raven for a moment and then back to Kiera. "Sometimes if you pray to the Gods, they answer in a way of the vision. Other times you can meditate on a thought and see if you are given a dream."

Wash says, "It was exciting when it happened. I have to admit that I had never really felt like the Gods were very tangible to the everyday layperson until then."

A brief smile and a nod to Wash for sharing. Oswyn has a sip of tea before continuing. "I thought of the gods as concepts for... a very long time. I didn't feel like they were tangible until... hmmn. Years ago, now."

3 Armed Confessors, Orva, a discreet assistant arrive, following Faye.

A quiet conversation is happening over tea. Which is probably to be expected. Also the Archscholar is there, which... well, he said he would be. And he's delivered!

Raven looks to Wash, "To that particular conflict but there's evidence there's been conflict between magnota and Magnota's reflection prior to that-and continuing on still." She might say more but she's distracted by a thought, "Kiera, I know it supposedly possibile for mortals to become dream walkers, but dreaming's played a central role to multiple gods-and I know it's key to Shamans. There was once a group called 'seers of Jayus', but the same reference mentions demons can enter dreams which I can confirm, it is even possible for humans to visit the dreams of others, supposedly though I've not personally heard an account of this. Apparently one of the taboos of the Seers of Jayus was visiting the Dream of any creatures of myth-not sure why that was something that had to be warned against but perhaps if you dig for more writings you may find more about dreams and the nature of dreaming?"

There's one inquisitor arriving late to this tea party. Faye tries not to look like she just came from investigating a murder or something as she steps into the room. "Hello, sorry to be late. I was interrupted on my walk over here, and I hoped I could still stop in." She does her best not to distract from any conversations currently going on and try to get caught up.

Raven bovs her head and offers Faye a fingerwave from around her flask.

Kiera listens with great care to the new information that raven provides, eyes widening slightly as she processes what is said, apparently something has struch here as both troubling and important " I thank you. I now have more of an idea of how to continue my search

Esme sips her tea as she looks from one person to another. Her eyes look full of a million things and thoughts. Her eyes slide over towards Kiera and then back to the others. A smile towards Wash. "I am use to a lot of things." She winks to him and then sips her tea. This is pure delight for her, but most things are.

Oswyn looks over in Faye's direction, squinting. "Inquisitor," he greets her. "Glad you could make it. We've been talking about dreams, mostly." A junior scholar or another adjusts her path to head for Faye, presumably in case the woman wants some tea. There's plenty of seats available.

Raven offers Kiera a warm smile, "Glad to see my having to shift through bullshit can yield something positive for a change. My pleasure, lady Kiera." She salutes the lady with her flask.

"And here I am without a pillow." Wash complains.

Faye is relieved to see a few familiar faces here, and she smiles and nods around in greeting as she finds herself a seat. Tea is also welcome, and she gives a quick smile of thanks to the junior scholar pouring it. "Ah, that sounds quite interesting. I'm not much of an expert in dreams, but I do find them fascinating. Do you know why some people seem to have message-like dreams more than others?" It isn't a riddle or a lecture. She actually wants to know.

Raven shrugs, "It helps to think of visions as messages so in that line cause for whatever reason some people have the attention of more things that wanna communicate. Demons, Spirits, gods, Spirit walkers. I imagine the reasons are varied." She makes a face, "Maybe some folks are just cursed?"

Oswyn rubs the back of his head. "I got the impression some people were just... more receptive to it? Or perhaps favoured in some way by some entity or another? But I'm no expert on the subject."

Esme smiles warmly at Faye and then her eyes slide to the woman's necklace and her ring. There is clear admiration and a bit of lust to her eyes. It's the lust of wanting it before she blinks and is pulled back to the discussion. "I think that we all have our paths to walk. However, I think that we are not cursed but blessed. There is some knowledge in being given visions and dreams and answers. You just have to understand they are not always how they present."

Raven's eyes look skywards "Oh for fu-" She catches a glimpse of Oswyn from the corner of her eye and her mouth snaps shut and she clears her throat gently, "That's one theory, sister." she amends politely.

Faye gives a faint smile back at Esme, giving no obvious clue whether she knows that the woman is just coveting her fancy keepsakes. "It doesn't seem that long ago that dangerous entities were shaking their fists at us from Eurus. I know some friends who got many of those distant threats, others who got fewer or none. It's a puzzle to me." She takes a moment to glance over the folio that was being passed around as she walked in. "There are people who can enter the dreams of dragons? That sounds amazing." And it sounds not at all like Faye is taking the warning in the write-up to heart.

Wash looks from Oswyn to Raven then sets his drink down, and picks up a pillow to bury his face. His shoulders silently shake.

Oswyn has a serene sip of tea. "I'm not sure the, uh, receivers of visions from abyssal entities would consider themselves blessed," he says after a moment.

Kiera hms "I believe that knowledge itself is neither good nor evil, though the source may be either. so long as choice exists however we are free to do with knowledge as we choose

Raven snorts and notes, "Unless that person is the Dragon's familiar I can imagine it's something that only happens once." she pauses and eyes Wash oddly, not recognizing the look of a lord trying to muffle an overflowing of mirth. To Kiera, "Maybe but you always ought to question the source of knowledge. Anything that mother

Raven says, "Anything that bother's has got an agenda."

Wash turns his body away from the gathering and faces the wall, burying his face in Esme's shoulder.

Faye listens, sipping her tea thoughtfully. She does notice Wash and the pillow and his shaking shoulders, but she doesn't comment. "I've heard people have connections to dragons for all sorts of reasons." A nod to Raven. "But you're right, if you're bothering a dragon, you might regret calling its attention to you."

Esme reaches out to pat Wash lightly to the curl into her. Pat. Pat. Pat. Her eyes move from one to the other, as if Wash isn't losing himself right now. Nothing to see here. "I think there are people that have connections with everything out there, it's just the path they walk. I agree, that knowledge is just knowledge. It is just like my sword. It is neither good nor bad, but it is how one uses it."

Raven inclines her head, "Aye." She exhales and looks between those gathered-ignoring Wash-"Don't suppose anyone here is in search of a project?"

Oswyn squints over in Wash's direction, looking vaguely concerned.

Wash straightens, recovering himself. He shakes it off. "It's okay. I'm fine. I'm fine. Sorry. Projects?"

"I often have a bored assistant, if you're looking for help," Faye says to Raven. "Or do you have an idea you're looking for someone to head up?"

Kiera nods to Raven "Oh i've learned to question everyone and everything. One does not reside long in arx without learning that lesson. everyone can make errant assumptions until they are presented with knowledge to the countrary. a teacher and student at once

Oswyn rubs his bearded chin, noting, "I don't think Laurel is up to anything if anyone would like a little assistance."

Wash adds to Kiera's sentiment, "That's why I make a practice of never staying in Arx for more than three months at a stretch."

Raven eyes Wash with a mixture of puzzled apprehension and suspicion before her gaze flits to others gathered, "Anyone? I can offer access to my library or pay for your time? I'll accept referrals if anyone knows any History lovers I might could follow up with and appeal to." She looks to Faye and confesses with a heavy sigh, "It's vague at this point. I'm looking for locations which were the sites of ancient conflict between darkness and light. Like reality changing or History making scale. I al ALSO looking for places which are CURRENTLY under threat from dark threats. " She then gives Oswyn a very slightly dopey smile, "Only if it's not a bother, My l-archlector." She clears her throat gently, " I know you keep busy and folks gotta be making demands of you of all kinds of things."

The larchlector shakes his head. "It's no trouble. I'll send her over to you if you don't mind her."

Raven says, "Of course not. I'd appreciate any help I can get, I am very much obliged, Archscholar."

"Ah, like Whitepeak?" Faye muses. "That sounds useful and interesting. Do send along your documentation, if you're looking for some help."

"That was my first thought." Wash agrees. "Whitepeak."

"Ah. You'd definitely want to talk to Pathfinder Lou about that," Oswyn says, with a faint smile. He starts to rise from his seat.

Esme perks. "You are looking at the bridge between the light and the darkness? Most interesting thing to look for. I would be interested in hearing what you have learned and assisting moving forwards." Her eyes are sparkling with some thought before it's replaced by curiosity. It's almost a purr. "So very interested in that." Then she smiles at Wash. "He's fine now. He just finds me hilarious when I don't mean to be."

Raven sighs, "I ain't got any documentation. I'm working from an assignment spawned from the hint from spirits." She sighs and mutters, "I should just be glad wasn't my sleep they were intruding on." She looks briefly exasperated, "No, sister. Not a bridge. Physical locations where specific events happened. One can reasonably bridge the gap between lightness and dark most anywhere in the dream, I'm reasonably sure. Oh. An primal magic. Any texts or theology concerning primal magic. Don't ask me what it is I don't know but it and the stories of these places may overlap."

She eyes Esme and then Wash with open suspicion but only says, "Whatever you say, Sister."

Faye gives Wash a somber nod. "I can't help but wonder if Whitepeak is tied up with this barrier that's preventing travel in and out of Arvum. It must take a tremendous amount of primum to sustain magic of that magnitude." But since the Archscholar seems to be trying to wrap things up, she doesn't go further with her own theories. "Thank you for opening your office to us, Archscholar."

Wash says, "It has ever been the nature of our relationship. Esme's... Sister Esme has learned to tolerate my perversity in the face of her otherwise irresistable charms."

Raven rolls her eyes at Wash and wrinkles her nose to the theme of 'ew' at Wash's comment.

Kiera blinks "What barrier?"

Raven says, "What makes you think whitepeak has anything to do with the barrier, Faye?"

Raven says, "I imagine they mean the barrier which cuts Arvum off from the other continents."

Esme lofts her brows as annoyance flairs through her eyes. She then stops and then looks at Wash with a smile. "I tried to learn since for a moment in the past I pondered being a Kennex." She winks at him and then listens.

Faye looks over to Raven. "There is some indication that the Traitor or his minions are devouring Whitepeak piece by piece. There's still working magic there. I imagine there's quite a bit of primum to be had, breaking down a magical city." She nods agreement about the barrier. "It's apparently preventing everything from traveling. Not even dragons can get in or out."

Wash picks up his tea to finish it, leaving no evidence of his rum behind. "Thank you indeed Archscholar Oswyn, it has been a unique experience."

"I try to have these on a fairly regular basis," Oswyn says, squinting about. "But if there's anything anyone would like to speak to me about, you don't need to wait for one of these events or a research meeting. My door remains open. Or when it's open I'm available. It's not always open. Every once in a while, I close it."

Raven makes a face, "Fuck's sake, gotta worry about that too? Terrific. Maybe. I have it heard it insisted it's abyssal-the barrier, but I haven't had confirmation so I'm taking it with a grain of salt."
% And then like someone flipped a switch Raven offers a warm smile, "We know you're busy, thank you for making the time. Things like this are important and I'm most grateful for it, Thank you, Archscholar."

Kiera hms "Didn't that barrier exist long before whitepeak was taken

"I'm all for sailing straight for the barrier and testing it." Wash says. "Reports so far say it isn't fatal. We might learn something."

"Just sort of... steer into it and kind of... bonk against it harmlessly?" Oswyn ventures, brow furrowed.

Raven says, "The barrier manifested within the last year. When was Whitepeak taken? It ain't fatal you'll just wind up back in your port of origin according to the one who reported it first. You sail for a good long while and at some point you just look around and find yourself near where you left from, apparently. So not only do you not get where you're going you wast weeks or months of sailing."

Raven says, "IF you can call time at sea a waste."

"When I spoke with Tribune Petraea, she was quite certain the barrier was caused by the Traitor," Faye says. "No one from Eurus, Cardia, or anywhere else can enter or leave." A solemn look to Wash. "I believe that has been attempted. It involves not only storms, but confusion of the mind and sailing instruments. People felt like they were literally traveling in circles."

"Name the captain so that I can verify their logs personally. Otherwise, I can see no reason why I should not make the attempt again." Wash insists. "Of course, if the Tribune has personal experience, I'll take that up with her at dinner."

Raven siiiiiiighs, "Well *fuck*" She rubs her face and grumbles, "I am so fucking /sick/ of this shithead. I know he's had centuries to make his plans but he is an overachieving sack of shit and I am very OVER it. This may have something to do with his end game maybe. I have it on good authority he's looking to replace Tyranny on the Throne of the Abyss. Honest answer is: who the fuck knows what that troublesome taintsmear is up to with it."

Raven says, "IT was told me in confidence. I'll ask them to reach out to you but I ain't naming anyone."

"Taintsmear." Wash repeats, chuckling. "Taintsmear. That's worse than nibbler."

Raven checks 'recovery check' at normal. Raven is spectacularly successful.

Oswyn's eyebrows go up. "He's looking to replace..." he repeats, trailing off with a pained expression.

Faye smiles faintly at Wash. "Her dragon friend attempted to break through and was unable to. You should talk with Pathfinder Lou, as well. I imagine she has heard about travel attempts I have not."

"See, what I like about calling him taintsmear is that he is so ass backwards that he doesn't know which direction to wipe himself." Wash explains, losing all decorum.

Kiera nods to faye "Though I did not have this information, i was nonetheless about to point out the wide swath of possibilities between harmless and not fatal

Oswyn reaches up to rub his temples. "Her dragonfriend," he echoes.

"She's nice." Wash assures Oswyn. "Didn't eat anyone."

Raven looks to Oswyn, "I KNOW I told you, my heart. Maybe it was buried in a bunch of other shit-I know I rant." She looks genuinely contrite, "Forgive me. Anyway. Aye, apparently he has very big aspirations but I haven't heard it from another source so...maybe my source is mistaken but from the shit I've seen in my notes and the inroads his making with various other schemes seem to make more sense in that context." She looks up and lifts an eyebrow, "Which gardian skylord did she make friends with?"

"Sorry. Who has the dragon friend?" Oswyn asks, hands still up on his head. He might need more tea for this. He reaches for a cup.

Raven abandons her flask and reaches over to gently rub a palm soothingly beween Oswyn's shoulders, "Think of it this way, Oswyn. There's no way he's gonna be able to sustain EVERYTHING he's up to-we just gotta sort out which are the important bits." she offers in a rare moment of gentle reassurance.

"Tribune Petraea is a dragon's familiar," Faye says. "Friend just sounds... a little more friendly."

Esme coughs slightly. "Are you sure she wants you sharing that information?"

Raven's eyebrows shoot up, "Wait- The /dragon/ is the familiar NOT the Tribune?!" Her jade eyes go wide around and her mouth hangs slightly agape.

"Ambergris?" Wash theorizes for Raven. "Does it matter? Or are you keeping a roster of dragons somewhere? The Lady Talu." Wash clarifies. "She took human form at the meeting. I would bet my ship on it."

Oswyn waves his hand. "I know. I know it's all possible to find solutions for. I know it beyond a shadow of a doubt." He has a sip of tea and then nearly chokes. "No, I'm fairly sure the human would be the familiar. And I would be surprised if the Tribune wasn't a familiar."

Faye gives Esme a slight shrug. "I wouldn't think that would be a secret. She talks about her frequently." And the look she gives Wash is a little wistful. "I haven't met her, but I've heard stories."

Raven blinks and leans back, "Well now I wonder who the fuck the Tribune really is. Well. For five minutes before more pressing shit grabs my attention again."

Kiera looks to wash at his mention of lists of dragons "ActuallI...never mind

Esme looks at Wash. "Do you have a list of dragons? I need that list, Wash--ie." She tries to bat her lashes at him too.

Oswyn has a very long sip of tea before sighing. "Dragons. Right. I'm just... I'm going to..." He makes a vague gesture. "Er. Officially end things, I suppose. You're all welcome to linger, of course."

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