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A problem aboard ship forces you to pull ashore in order to execute a few minor repairs. Its all business as normal until another crew spots you there..

(OOC: There will be combat)


July 16, 2023, 7 p.m.

Hosted By


GM'd By



Jan Ryhalt Cillian(RIP)



Outside Arx - Lyceum near Nilanza - Small Islands off the East Coast of the Lyceum

Largesse Level


Comments and Log

For whatever reason you have all been spending time aboard a ship called the Merry Widow. A smaller non-military vessel that specialises in passenger travel rather than anything else. She's been in operation for years. Her Captain a competent woman with a solid reputation. You've probably sailed with her before and most of the time nothing of particular note happens on the voyages. Today though the situation is different. A wave came out of nowhere, slamming into the side, and breaking a few parts that the Captain describes as 'Important but non essential'. She quickly sets the ship carpenter on it and before too long the ship itself has changed course to a nearby island (or rock if you are less generous) where they can pull the boat up out of the water enough to do repairs.

And so we begin with you all on this tiny island, waiting for the Carpenter to finish repairs. Luckily its more spring-like than wintery today. Kind of wet but not snowy.

Jan wasted no time in helping bail water if it had been necessary. Assuming it's not then she simply makes herself available to help pull the Widow enough ashore to allow the carpenter to begin repairs on the ship. That done she finds an outcropping of rock that's not slicked with algae or barnacles to perch and surveys the horizon "Gods I'm glad this is something to be fixed. This'd be a miserable place to be stranded."

Ryhalt was dressed conservatively even accounting for the blustery winter weather, probably trying not to attract much attention for whatever reason he was here. He only said 'trade negotiation' if asked. He scratches his sidewhisker in bemusement as they head to shore for repairs. Repairing was better than sinking. Whatever his errand was for the day, he seems relaxed at the unexpected delay. While the carpenters are working, he explores a little along the nearby stretch, but keeping within sight of the ship. "Hopefully it won't come to that." He smiles easily to Jan.

Cillian does not always find himself on a boat but it seems when he does something is always happening. First it was the boat that went to the Saik games that got attacked and now this. He is a northerner ment for land not sea, so when they have to do repairs and end up on a small island he is off the boat quick and sighs as his feet hit land again. Not knowing this place his scouting and guarding instincts kick in his eyes and ears staying alert.

Jan smiles wryly "I am not too worried. The Captain's a smart and prepared lass." She agrees easily to Ryhalt "I didn't see you aboard, always most excellent to see you, Your Grace." She sees cillian exploring and gives the man a grin and jaunty wave when his gaze sweeps over where she's perched.

It is indeed business as usual if the crew is anything to go by. They are cheerful, joking and laughing and whilst the captain did set someone on watch, that was not something she expected to actually need. Until she does. "Ship Ahoy!" calls the watchman from his spot. Pointing out across the waves to an approaching ship. The green sailed ship seems small at least - although at this scale that could also mean its actually huge. Thats unlikely though. Theres no way you'd run into a big Caravel out here..

Cillian looks over to Jan nodding but then the call of Ship Ahoy is called out, his eyes look to the water and he is moving back for the group. "Ship in coming." he says to Jan, then he looks to Rayholt. "Duke Ryhalt, it is good to see you again. Its been a moment, be ready." he says in his thick northern accent, his hand pulling his bow off his back and watches the boat.

Ryhalt nods in agreement with Jan about not being worried. "Oh? I'm sorry about that, had my mind absorbed on business. It's a pleasure to see you again, too." Upon hearing a ship has been spotted, he glances over to see. He squints slightly a hint of a frown touching his lip, but he shrugs it away as Cillian addresses him. "Been a while, Lord Cillian. Good to see you again, too."

Jan siiighs and stands up on the rock she's perched on and shields her gaze from the sun to peer out "One of these days I am going to remember to replace my spyglass..."

As the ship gets closer and details resolve you can tell that it is not a particularly large ship, so that is something to be grateful for. You also realise that it carries no sigil you are familiar with. The ship comes in close, throws down anchor, and six people climb down into its boat. Soon after they are rowing towards your rock.

Ryhalt watches the rowboat approach their cozy little rock, scratching his sidewhisker. He shares a glance with Jan and Cillian. "Well, odds seem high that they haven't come to help with repairs, huh?" While he doesn't seem terribly concerned yet, he does look towards their Captain to see if she's going to sound the alarm.

Cillian makes a quick whistle as he looks to Jan, "You should not stand in the open Lady Jan, if they have a bow on that ship you be a perfect target and I rather not have to explain to Ian why you got shot." he moves closer to their crew as he watches the six climb into the ship and row to them, "I believe you maybe correct Duke Ryhalt."

Jan scoots down on her rump from the rocky outcropping she was perched on until her feet meet the rocky shore "Shall we meet our guests?" even while she checks to make certain that she has her sword and then ambles unhurriedly towards the side of the island the rowers seem to be approaching "It'd be nice to have an archer or two, but there's not much in the way of cover and I'd rather get a look before the ship lands if I can."

The ship itself stays out of bow range. Perhaps concerned that the larger Merry Widow might carry such weapons of her own. On the ground though, you can tell that the Captain doesn't consider her crew to be combat worthy because she looks worriedly to you. Hoping you might step up and help.

And whilst you are sorting things out on the ground that boat comes close enough into shore for the six salt-stained passengers to hop down into the surf and start wading their way towards you. "Give us your cargo." says the leadmost one, A burly guy in a once-green tunic, "And we'll let you all go your way. Safe and sound." His friends start fanning out as if they have done this before. They aren't well armored, these would be thieves, but they do have nasty axes and cutlasses to follow up their demands with.

Ryhalt chuckles wryly at the look their captain gives them. Hearing the demand of the pirates, he nods to himself. "I don't know about the two of you, but the cargo I'm carrying is too precious to let go to some pirates thinking they've found an easy mark. Afraid I'm not an archer, though." With deliberate haste, he strides over towards their ship to fetch the weapon he did bring, but kept stowed away in his gear.

Cillian pulls a arrow from his quiver and knocks the bow as he holds it down, "I'm afraid you come to the wrong place, you should be on your way." he calls over to the pirates that start to fan out. "Be on your way and no one needs to be hurt."

Jan calls, "Board the ship and lift up the ropes!" to the captain. She looks unimpressed at the burly man, and gives a wearied sigh even as she draws her sword "It's a transport not a hauler. Do we look like sailors, you inbred sheep canoodler? Get the fuck off or the last thing you taste will be your own ballsack. Go on. Get!"

The six sea-bandits don't look overly concerned by the three of you refusing to budge. "Aint surrender'in huh?" says the lead man as he draws a nasty looking cutlass. "Gotta love it when they fight. Right boys?" The attack begins.

Jan wields A simple cutlass of northern steel.

Jan checks dexterity and medium wpn at hard. Jan is successful.

Ryhalt checks strength and huge wpn at hard. Botch! Ryhalt fails completely.

Cillian wields Stormpiercer, the Longbow of House Blackwood.

Cillian checks dexterity and archery at hard. Critical Success! Cillian is spectacularly successful.

Jan steps forward to meet the attack, either bravely or stupidly wading right on in even the unfavorable numbers feinting only to almost immediately follow through on a proper attack seeking to swiftly dispatch the first opportunistic brigand she encounters.

Ryhalt emerges from the ship bearing his ranseur. Given its length it was obvious why he didn't go around with it on a ship. Assessing the situation, he's no longer smiling, especially when he notes all of them have somewhat awkward weapons to be dealing with their current foes. He rushes to engage with a couple of the pirates coming directly towards the ship, but trips over some of the supplies laid out for repairing the ship. He lands in a not so graceful heap. It seems he knocks himself silly a moment since he loses his grip on his ranseur and it goes rolling across the deck.

Jan checks dexterity and dodge at hard. Jan is successful.

Ryhalt checks dexterity and dodge at hard. Ryhalt fails.

Jan checks dexterity and dodge at normal. Jan is successful.

Cillian shakes his head, he will never understand why people do not listen when he warms them to just go. In a blur of movement before the two can get close to him, he has let arrows fly striking his targets true, watching them drop he spots Jan is handling hers and then Ryhalt. Spotting the Duke having some issues he turns to knock another arrow.

The two sea-bandits who had been targeting Ryhalt laugh when they see him trip. Swaggering across they start stabbing away at the downed Lord, barely giving him enough time to escape. It could clearly be worse for him though - They almost look as if they are drawing it out. Just for fun. Cillian's bandit foes don't even get time to wield steel against him before arrows sprout from their bodies and they sink down into the surf. Meanwhile Jan is having a middling time. The first bandit who approached her was cocky, very cocky. The one that remains is wary.

Jan checks dexterity and medium wpn at normal. Botch! Jan fails badly.

Cillian checks dexterity and archery at hard. Botch! Cillian fails completely.

Jan checks dexterity and dodge at normal. Jan is successful.

Ryhalt checks dexterity and dodge at normal. Ryhalt is successful.

Cillian checks dexterity and dodge at hard. Botch! Cillian fails completely.

Ryhalt hisses in pain as one of the stabbing swords finds his side. As he's in a prone position, hopefully it hadn't cut anything "important but not essential". This does seem to be the case for he rolls himself towards his fallen weapon. Snatching it, he rolls on up to his feet. He shifts his hands on the weapon, checking the situation to where he'd be most use. It seems half of their attackers have fallen, but the remaining are vicious. He tries to help flank and distract one of them so either Cillian or Jan could fire at them.

Cillian saw Ryhalt down on the ground and that was not going to do, moving to pull the arrow back letting it go but the wind and the direction he was trying to fire in was not working and he misses. As he does one of them is quickly on him, moving to try and block the sword with his bow, he misses and the sword has landed on its mark and there is a growl of pain that comes from him as it digs into his side.

Jan cusses as she looses her footing and it causes her to slip causing her sword to swing wide as she flails to regain balance, "Turdsucking gimps!" she yelps reflexively.

Fighting on the skree, slime and often jagged edges of this island proves to be difficult, if not impossible, at times. All of you slip and slide at inconvenient moments as the water washes up to your ankles, hiding the rocks underfoot from view, before attempting to suck you off your perches and out into the water. The bandits still think they have a chance given the events of the last few moments. The fight continues!

Ryhalt checks strength and huge wpn at normal. Ryhalt is successful.

Jan checks dexterity and medium wpn at normal. Jan is successful.

Cillian checks dexterity and archery at normal. Cillian fails.

Cillian checks dexterity and dodge at normal. Cillian is successful.

Ryhalt is an average fighter in the best of conditions and with the slippery rocks and blood seeping from the wound on his side this is quite the challenge. Nevertheless he manages to harry and corner one of the pirates, jabbing the man through with a distinctly vengeful stab with the point of his weapon. He yanks the weapon free and spins it about himself defensively. He glances over to Cillian, concerned for having heard him cry out in pain not long ago.

Cillian is not able to get the right footing to get another shot off and so he can do is dodge out of the way of getting hit again, the Northern lord is moving but he is bleeding his side and leathers show that he is. He licks his lips as he puts the bow on his back as he is moving and pulls his sword.

Cillian wields Blade of stories.

Jan regains her footing by throwing her free hand out as a counterbalance and leans forward with her blade leading the way, dispatching her foe and bellowing "I said fucking LEAVE you turd-smoocher!!"

Its almost sudden, the way the battle goes from being roughly equal to suddenly being anything but. Within bloody moments only a single bandit survives and he looks around wildly before breaking to run for his boat!

Cillian checks dexterity and archery at easy. Cillian is successful.

Ryhalt checks strength and huge wpn at easy. Ryhalt is successful.

Cillian was holding his side and when the one lone pirate decides to run he takes a heavy breath and pulls his bow, stretching to the pain harsh as his hands shake holding it as still as he can to let the arrow fly. Once it is and it hits the mark he drops to his knee and hisses at the pain.

When the last of the brigands falls the green sailed vessel ups anchor and sails away. Any relief is short lived however as moments after the ship departs the heavy clouds overhead open up and a heavy icy rain starts to pelt the island.

Jan checks intellect and medicine at normal. Jan is successful.

Jan issues a sharp whistle "Your Grace, Lord Cillian! We need to get you aboard the ship where it's dry and tend to your wounds. Bleeding plus cold is a bad combination."

Ryhalt frowns as Cillian falls to his knee, but, satisfied that their attackers aren't going to rise to kill them, he moves to support him. He doesn't seem best pleased as the weather unleashes upon them. Gentle as he can he'll help Cillian on his feet so they can get into the ship. "You can tend him Jan, I hope?"

Jan moves to help Cillian, "Aye, I have him, you're hurt too, press your hand to the wound and lets try keep your blood on the inside." She braces most of Cillian's weight, trying her best to not cause him more pain than absolutely necessary.

Cillian winces as he grits his teeth as he is helped up, "Yeah, out of this...Cold." he agrees as he makes sure his bow is back on his back and sword is on his side. Its going to hurt no matter what till he is laid up on the chip. "Fucking Pirates." he growls.

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