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Creates a clue for a PRP you ran

+prpclue/revelation <revelation ID or name>
+prpclue/name <clue name>
+prpclue/desc <description>
+prpclue/rating <investigation difficulty, 1-50>
+prpclue/tags <tag 1>,<tag 2>,etc
+prpclue/sendclue <clue ID>=<participant>
+prpclue/listclues <revelation ID>

Allows a GM to create custom clues for their PRP, and then send it to
participants. Tags are the different keywords/phrases that allow it
to be matched to an investigate. Setting a clue as fake means that it's
false/a hoax. /noinvestigate and /noshare prevent investigating the
clue or sharing it, respectively.

Once the clue is created, it can be sent to any participant with the
/sendclue switch. Clues must have a revelation written that is tied
to the plot. See the prprevelation command for details.